Aerial photo of campus


十大博彩推荐排名州立大学一直是高等教育机构中利用移动技术为学生提供校园生活各方面帮助的领导者. Through our partnership with Rave移动安全, 我们提供安全, academic and auxiliary applications through use of the voice, text and data capabilities of today’s wireless carriers. 以下是Rave应用程序的概述以及如何使用它们的个人说明:

Rave Texts Alerts - Students

Rave Alerts是十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的主要移动通信工具,在紧急情况下通知校园社区, as well as other vital scenarios that might impact the campus.

学生通过紧急联系信息自动注册 .

Please ensure your emergency contact information is accurate. All broadcast alerts for situations including school closings, 停电, 安全威胁, 天气灾害, 疏散和自然灾害将通过短信发送到您的手机或首选电子邮件地址,或两者兼而有之.

  • On your phone, open a web browser and go to 巢.十大博彩推荐排名.edu.
  • Select “Personal Information” and click “Emergency Contacts.”
  • It will open a new window. Click the word “Current.”
  • Select “Cell” and enter your phone number. 点击“提交.”
Rave Texts Alerts - Faculty and Staff

Rave Alerts是十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的主要移动通信工具,在紧急情况下通知校园社区, as well as other vital scenarios that might impact the campus.

教职员工通过紧急联系信息自动注册 工作日. 请浏览 文档 on how to update your personal information in 工作日.

Please ensure your emergency contact information is accurate. All broadcast alerts for situations including school closings, 停电, 安全威胁, 天气灾害, 疏散和自然灾害将通过短信发送到您的手机或首选电子邮件地址,或两者兼而有之.

Rave Text Alerts - Family and Visitors

Rave Alerts是十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的主要移动通信工具,在紧急情况下通知校园社区, as well as other vital scenarios that might impact the campus.


父母, 家庭成员和校园访客现在可以收到发送给所有十大博彩推荐排名州立大学学生的相同信息, faculty and staff about campus emergencies, 路弯路, delayed openings and more.

请注意: 大学 faculty, staff and students are encouraged to continue to use the 大网站 to sign up for the text alerts. 这个新的选择列表是专门为校园访客和用户没有大学NetID.


Users can sign up at any time by texting the keyword 十大博彩推荐排名statealerts to one of the following numbers: 226787, 67283, 78015 or 77295.

How Is This List Managed?

选择加入的用户被放置在一个单独的列表中,与Rave文本警报的主列表分开,该列表容纳了具有大学NetID的用户. This new system is completely user-managed.

如果家庭成员或访客注册了Rave文本提醒,并希望从系统中删除, they can text “STOP” to one of the following numbers: 226787, 67283, 78015 or 77295. 向这些短代码中的任何一个发送“START”将恢复/恢复警报消息.

Message Rates May Apply

请注意: 虽然Rave移动安全不收取这项服务的费用,但消息和数据速率可能会适用. Depending upon the user’s current mobile phone service plan and contract, their carrier may charge for text messages. 其他资料请参阅现行流动电话服务计划及合约.


狂欢监护人: Guardian是一款屡获殊荣的安全应用程序,它使您在十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的校园更加安全, 更安全的. 监护人是一个基于计时器的系统,使用免费的监护人安全应用程序,点击安全计时器图标,并输入您在注册时创建的PIN号码.

狂欢监护人 Registration

  1. Go to the RAVE website.
  2. Enter your 大学 NetID and Password.
  3. 选择“登录”.
  4. Select the My Account tab.
  5. Select the GET THE APP button.
  6. Follow the prompts to download the Guardian App.


狂欢监护人 Overview

Guardian通过将任何智能手机转变为个人安全设备,提供安心和更高的安全性. 狂欢守护者通过初始化计时器或向大学警察人员发出紧急呼叫来激活


  1. Before traveling from one place to another, such as walking from the library to your residence hall late at night, a user activates the Guardian timer on their mobile phone.
  2. When the user reaches their destination safely, 他们关闭了守卫计时器——警察和急救人员没有得到警报. This is referred to as a passive case.
  3. 如果计时器过期, 警方和急救人员会立即收到详细的案件信息通知. This is referred to as an active case.


狂欢监护人是一款针对iPhone和Android操作系统开发的智能手机应用程序. 狂欢监护人应用程序可以从各自的应用程序商店(苹果应用程序商店或Google Play)下载。. After downloading and successful registration, 点击安全计时器图标,并输入您在注册时创建的PIN号码.


  1. Click on the ‘Guardian’ app..
  2. Click on ‘Safety Timer.’
  3. Enter your 4-digit PIN created during the registration process.
  4. Guardian verifies the mobile number.
  5. 输入定时器时长.
  6. 进入您的状态.
  7. Pick your Primary Guardian.


  • Where you are currently located.
  • 你的目的地.
  • Your residence hall and room number (if applicable.)
  • Your vehicle make/model and license plate number (if applicable.)
  • The person you’re going to see, class you’re going to attend or parking lot to which you are walking, and a brief description of the clothing you’re wearing.
  • 如果你之前有任何疾病,你也可以留下这些信息.

计时器现在被激活,大学警察人员被告知一个被动案件已经启动. Your profile information and/or geographic location are not shared at this time. 五个 计时器到期前几分钟,提醒信息将发送到您的手机. 消息如下: Your Guardian Safety Session will expire in 5 minutes.

重要提示: If you try to initiate Guardian but have not already registered your phone, you will be advised to visit www.getrave.. Com并注册.

To deactivate a timer:

  1. Click on the Deactivate icon
  2. Enter your 4-digit PIN
  3. Guardian verifies the mobile number
  4. The case is deactivated

In the event that you do not deactivate the timer before it expires, 大学警察 personnel are notified with vital safety profile information, contact information and the last known geographic location.

Other Ways 大学警察 Will Be Notified by Guardian

If the number of PIN entry attempts exceeds the amount allotted, 大学警察 personnel are notified. 在这种情况下,要么你输入的密码不正确,要么攻击者可能有你的手机,并试图
deactivate the timer with the incorrect PIN. Either way 大学警察 personnel are notified.

万一出现紧急情况,你被迫向攻击者泄露你的4位密码, 您可以通过输入比原始密码高一个数字的4位密码向大学警察发送胁迫代码.
Example: Your PIN is 1831. If you are in duress you would enter 1832 as your PIN. The 胁迫的代码 will appear to deactivate the timer on the mobile device. 事实上, 胁迫法已经通知了校园警察你可能处于危险的境地. Note: 9999 is not a valid PIN

Location Based Services vs. 语音信息
如果计时器过期了, and your cell phone carrier offers Location Based Services, 大学警察将能够查看修改后的校园地图,上面有你手机的大致位置. Based on a myriad of conditions e.g. inside or outside, top floor or basement of the building, etc. 大学警察可以在50-300米的精度内查看你手机的位置. If the case remains active, 大学警察 will be able to “breadcrumb” your cell phone’s movement.

It is important to note that 大学警察 are 从来没有 能够获得您的位置或个人资料信息,除非您正在使用紧急呼叫或您的计时器已过期.

大学警务人员会立即收到通知,告知你急需帮助. The 恐慌的电话 can be initiated with or without a timer being activated. At the same time that the 大学警察 personnel receive the 恐慌的电话, 在大学警察的监控下,一个活跃的案件在Rave监护人控制台打开. The active case displays your safety profile and geographic location.

重要提示: 你的计时器将到期,即使你的手机关机,大学警务人员也会收到通知!



E-TIPS: E-TIPS is a tip hotline. 你可以通过使用Guardian安全应用程序并点击Emergency图标向十大博彩推荐排名州立校园警察发送提示. You can report anything from bullying to a broken car window.

E-TIPS is a tip hotline. 如果你看到校园里发生的事情,你觉得需要报告,你可以通知十大博彩推荐排名州立校园警察你的提示.

  • CONFIDENTIAL TIPS LINE: Ext. 8477 from on-campus extensions
  • 机密文本线:从手机发送“E-TIPS”,然后空格和您的信息到67283.