

欢迎回到十大博彩推荐排名州立大学! We at the Office of 国际学术活动 (IAI) are happy to have you back and are very excited for you to share your stories about studying abroad. 我们理解这一点,也理解回家的兴奋, 你也将经历重新调整和反向文化冲击. 在这里, you can find 一些 strategies to help with re-adjustment as well as different ways to stay involved in international activities.


帮助传播关于出国留学的信息,并与其他学生分享你的经历. 欲了解更多信息,请发送电子邮件 studyabroad@eagle1027.com.


It is common for students returning home after living abroad to have a difficult time adjusting. The experience of coming home may spark the same emotions you felt when arriving in your host country for the first time. Students don’t realize how much has changed while they were away and don’t understand why friends and family members aren’t as excited about their stories from abroad as they are. 这可能会引起一些情绪, 包括无聊, 挫折, 不安, 孤立的感觉, 反向乡愁, 消极对待家庭和他人.

当你回家时,你可能会遇到相反的文化冲击是正常的, 只是需要时间和一些研究来解决这个问题. Try to readjust to life at home without losing the ideas and values you learned while abroad.


  1. 与你的国外朋友保持联系.
  2. 成为一名SAPA,与十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的未来学生分享你的经验.
  3. Get involved with activities that continue your learning (language classes, cultural activities, 等.)
  4. 将东道国文化融入日常生活(烹饪、音乐、舞蹈等).)
  5. 寻找具有国际视野的课程、工作或志愿者工作.


Check here regularly for updates about regional re-entry conferences for returned study abroad students from the area.




回国后,在IAI网站上重新登录您的留学申请. 在这里, you are now able to enter your information as an alumnus and write about your experience abroad. 你的故事可能会发表在IAI的网站上! 有关校友信息的更多信息,请发送电子邮件 studyabroad@eagle1027.com.


The Office of 国际学术活动 has compiled a list of resources and programs for work, 实习, 志愿者或奖学金.  这些课程不隶属于十大博彩推荐排名州立大学,也不受十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的认可. 请使用这些页面作为您自己探索的起点.

你需要考虑的第一件事就是你想去哪里. This is an important consideration since it might affect the kind of job you obtain – 一些 countries are so impoverished that they may offer few or no jobs. 也, it will determine from which programs you can obtain a work permit for the country of your choice. 不幸的是, finding a job overseas is not as simple as getting on a plane and starting to look for work when you land. 这种在国外找工作的方法是不可取的. 在做出出国的承诺之前, your best bet is to carefully research the countries where you are interested in working.


短期海外工作, 持续时间从几周到六个月不等, is an economical way to experience another culture while you earn your way through an adventure abroad. 你能期望得到的典型工作与在餐馆/酒店工作有所不同, 一个办公室, 一个商店, 作为互惠生或在户外工作. The kind of work you choose to do will depend on your skills and your willingness to be flexible and open to what is available. Keep in mind that although the job may not necessarily relate to your long-term career goals you will develop effective, 可转移的工作技能.


几乎每个国家都有出国任教的机会. 大多数职位需要英语教师,并要求学士学位. 如果你精通英语, 愿意承诺至少一年并且性格外向吗, 你很有可能找到一份在国外教书的工作. 通过在国外生活和工作相当长的时间, 你将有机会完全沉浸在另一种文化中, and you will simultaneously boost your marketability for other international positions in the future.



找一个职位, you can either work with an organized placement program or conduct research on your own. 有些节目是收费的, 但通常会安排你,并为你安排住宿和工作许可. Others are actually organizations recruiting for positions abroad, so there will be no fee. 一般来说,在你想开始教学的前一年申请. 如果你利用自己的资源,你可以在离开之前找到一份工作, sending resumes and using any contacts you may have; or after you arrive, applying in person (remember to learn about work permits for the particular country before you go). 虽然一旦你到达一个特定的国家就有可能找到工作, 通常在美国更容易获得必要的许可证.S. Public schools, private language schools, and universities are places to search for work.


An international 实习 can provide you with training related to your college major and career goals. 实习 are available in practically every country in the world for most industries, 虽然这些机会竞争非常激烈. 好处包括可以沉浸在国际化的氛围中, 在国际就业市场上获得竞争优势, 并有机会学习有价值和可转移的工作技能.


实习的类型和领域是没有限制的. 包括商业(银行)在内的许多行业都有机会, 技术, 经济学, 市场营销), 通信(广告, 新闻, 出版), 艺术的方式, 应用艺术), 旅游(酒店管理), 社会科学(法律). 大多数实习是没有报酬的, 尽管在商业上, 农业, 工程和私营企业, 补偿的可能性更大. 这些工资可能足够支付基本的生活费用. 请注意, if you are solely interested in a general working abroad experience it may be easier and more lucrative to find a paid position not necessarily related to your long-term career goals.

实际上,许多国际实习都在美国, 主要在纽约和华盛顿. 大多数情况下,这些是通过公司和政府机构进行的.S. 国务院, 联合国, the World Bank and many non-government (non-profit) organizations who offer 实习s in their U.S. 建立办事处.


有几种方法可以找到实习机会. You can go through a placement program, 然而, you will most likely be charged a fee. Some of these are reciprocal exchange programs where you are practically guaranteed placement if you can find an opportunity here in the United States for an international student. These programs include the International Association of Students in Economics and Business Management (AIESEC), specializing in the placement of business and 经济学 students; and the International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE), 将工程, 建筑学和自然科学专业的学生.

另一个选择是自己安排实习. 这需要你自己动手, 根据自己的研究找到一个职位, 发送简历和社交. 每年都有很多学生通过自己的努力找到工作, 但这需要足智多谋和主动性. 大公司的职位竞争会更激烈, 所以你可能想要瞄准小公司, 即使他们没有正式的实习计划. The Directory of 国际实习 describes different types of 实习s in many countries. Many universities sponsor study/work abroad programs which include an 实习 component. 在大多数情况下,你会被协助找到一个位置. 然而, you must pay for your tuition and these programs are usually very competitive and often unpaid. 通过这种方式,政府和艺术实习更容易获得.


对许多人来说,出国做志愿者是一个非常有吸引力和可行的选择. It is particularly good for acquiring experience with humanitarian or service-oriented organizations and scientific expeditions. 在不发达国家,志愿者的机会往往很多. For American students, volunteering is often the only way to work in many Third World countries. Some of these countries are often so impoverished that they cannot afford to provide financial support to foreign visitors. 然而, volunteering abroad allows students to be totally immersed in a foreign culture while providing a much needed service to developing countries.

海外志愿者职位可能是短期的, 持续时间从两周到六个月不等, 或长期, 持续一到两年. 你所寻求的机会将取决于你选择的国家, 你的可用资源(时间), 钱, 等.和你的灵活性. 国外的志愿者机会可能什么都没有, 一些, 或以下全部:往返机票, 住房, 食物, 津贴和保险. 彻底研究你的选择,这样你就可以充分评估你的需求.


工作许可将是你在海外工作所需的主要文件, 然而, 你还需要考虑其他事情, 例如,获取或更新您当前的护照, 获得签证, 健康保险, 钱和到那里后找个地方住. 当你研究可能适合你的项目时, explore with them whether or not they cover 一些 of the expenses for the aforementioned. Some programs may include the costs for insurance, 获得签证 and 住房 in their fees. In most cases, you will be responsible for airfare and survival funds (recommended $800 to $1,000).