


  • Teresa de escoriaza奖学金: 为学生, 最好是大二学生, with a minimum of 12 credits in Spanish; financial need; participation in extracurricular activities or service to the community or demonstration of special honors.
  • 乔·安妮·恩格尔伯特奖学金: 为学生 with a concentration in Translation; minimum GPA 2.75; minimum 3.翻译课程平均成绩为00分.
  • 约翰和艾玛黄奖学金: 为学生 who attend the Montclair in Madrid summer program; academic achievement; financial need.
  • 奥利维亚·尤尔奖学金: 招收硕士研究生.A. program; GPA of 3.5 in graduate courses; financial need.
  • 康拉德·施密特奖学金: 授予一名西班牙语专业学生(全日制大三或大四学生), 每年和隔年, 一个西班牙语研究生. Preference for non-native speaking students who are studying foreign languages as their second language; academic achievement; minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA; financial need.
  • Eleanor salmon keyser奖学金: Academic achievement; Excellence in writing demonstrated in term papers, essays or creative writings in Spanish; service to the university and community.
  • 玛格丽特·B. HOLZ奖学金: For study abroad for an undergraduate major in a foreign language; good command of the language and good record in all language courses; overall 3.0 average in all college courses; must be accepted into a study abroad program.