

住在校园里并不意味着被限制在一个冰冷、没有人情味的“宿舍”里.“你将生活在一个充满了许多有趣的人的地方, 建立终身关系的事件和活动. 是什么让每个宿舍和/或公寓社区独一无二? 它的人民! 每一栋建筑都因居住在那里的学生的参与而蓬勃发展. No matter where you choose to reside, you’ll find wonderful traditions to enjoy. 也, 通过参与, you can play an active role in planning traditional events and creating future “classics.”

位于校园的南北两端, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 residential facilities offer a variety of buildings that allow students different living style options. The facilities include traditional double-loaded corridors and suite-style arrangements as well as apartment communities. Each residence facility has its own personality as determined not only by its physical structure, 但也受到工作人员和住在那里的人的影响.

每个宿舍都是独立的,有自己的休息室, 娱乐领域, 自习室和各种服务. 除此之外, 每个学生的房间都配备了基本的设施——床, 梳妆台, 壁橱, 桌子, 椅子和窗帘. Residents are strongly encouraged to bring personal items from home and decorate to give the space its own special character.



Apartment-style means you have your own room (potentially with a roommate) and you share a private bathroom(s) with other roommate(s) along with a shared private living space and a full kitchen.


霍克十字路口建筑群由三座公寓楼组成:Falco, 100年代的房子, 2000年的阿奎特和300年的布特奥. The complex provides an apartment living environment for students with 30 or more credits and is open throughout the academic year. Each apartment has a living room/dining area, kitchen, bathroom and two bedrooms. 作为花园公寓, the 鹰口岸 community provides residents with both the freedom and responsibility of non-traditional campus life. 知道了这一点, members of the 鹰口岸 community are advised to be aware of personal safety and individual responsibilities which include locking doors, keeping the stairwell entrance shut and not allowing strangers into the housing facilities. 大学 Police provide community rounds and a strong presence during late-night hours.



这个村庄 community is an apartment complex situated on the northwest corner of the campus. The complex consists of four residential buildings and an office building that also contains a police substation. Each apartment opens into an enclosed hallway and is designed to accommodate four residents, 主要在单人间, 然而, 双人间也能容纳学生吗. 每间公寓内, 居民将享受洗碗机等设施, 空调, 有线电视和高速互联网接入. 洗衣设施位于每层楼. For fun, the residents are able to take advantage of the half basketball court and outdoor pool. 这所全年开放的学校为50学分以上的高年级学生提供住宿, 国际学生和研究生. 它也是全球生活社区的所在地. 这个村庄 also offers housing and conference services during the summer months.


Traditional-style means you have your own room (potentially with a roommate) and you use a communal bathroom for the entire floor.


Bohn大厅只接待一年级学生. These first-year students will have the opportunity to share their first year of college with their peers in a highly involved living environment. Residents of Bohn will be provided opportunities to make new connections and will learn the skills needed to communicate, develop interpersonal relationships and live cooperatively with other first-year students. Bohn大厅是十大博彩推荐排名州立大学最高的住宅楼. 居民们可以欣赏到东边纽约天际线的美景, 布兰顿-博恩广场和西边的沃东山脊的山麓. 16层楼中的大部分被分成了三个侧翼:A、B和C. Each wing houses approximately twenty residents and a Resident Assistant lives in each wing. 主服务台由服务助理负责.

捕捉纽约市天际线的美景, Bohn大厅’s 16 floors house a resident community of approximately 500 students.



石堂建于1955年. In 2007, a vacated annexed child care center space was converted to additional beds. 2015年,石堂进行了全面翻新, 当它从办公楼转变回宿舍时. 石堂和附属楼是男女合校, 146-bed traditional residence hall with student rooms along a double-loaded corridor and centralized bathroom facilities. A large percentage of new students and the small size of the building have resulted in great student spirit over the years. 斯通大厅有一个24小时安静区.


Suite-style mean you have your own room (potentially with a roommate) and you share a private bathroom with another room adjacent to yours.


布兰顿大厅, 建于20世纪80年代初,并于2012年夏季翻新, 是为了营造舒适的生活环境. 这座配有中央空调的五层建筑由, 套房与相邻的房间由一个浴室连接. 每个住宅楼层由四个侧翼组成:1、2、3和4. 每层楼有四名住户助理监督. 两翼各住一名住宿助理. 前台由服务助理负责. The 大学 Health Center is located on the first floor on the north side of the building.


弗朗西斯一个. 辛纳屈大厅

辛纳屈音乐厅于2010年8月开放. One of the key goals of this residence hall is to create a vibrant and aesthetically pleasing atmosphere that meets the needs of the modern higher education student. The upper floors of the six-story building each house between 45-50 students (with 24 or more credits) in six to eight bed suites. 有一个休息室,促进居民之间的社会活动.

Located along Clove Road on the western edge of the campus, 辛纳屈大厅 contains 303 beds.



Situated on the southeast corner of the campus near the main entrance, just across from the John J. 加州音乐学院, 弗里曼大厅 accommodates students in a suite-style arrangement with two rooms connected by a bathroom. 弗里曼拥有艺术跨学科生活社区(AILC). This learning community is comprised of students majoring in art and design, 音乐, 剧院, 跳舞, 广播及/或传播学. Freeman has a dining hall for the convenience of the residents in that area of the campus.


的高度: Dinallo and Machuga Halls

高地酒店于2011年秋季开业. This is the first public-private partnership to be initiated under the 2009 NJ Economic Stimulus Act. 它位于校园的北端. The buildings are suite-style, with living opportunities in single or double occupancy rooms. 这些套房可容纳两人. The buildings house returning students, transfer students and first-year students.



拉斯大厅始建于1915年, later converted to an administrative building and renovated back to a residence hall in the mid-1990’s. 俄国人的大厅有97个床位, co-ed by suite residence hall located at the south end of campus adjacent to 弗里曼大厅. 罗斯大厅居民享受设施,如中央空调, 一个娱乐室和一个完整的厨房位于一楼. 它还与弗里曼大厅的居民共用一个食堂.

俄国人的大厅 provides suite-style accommodations for approximately 100 students


几个设施也有房子 生活学习社区 适合有共同兴趣的学生.

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