
Special Interest Housing

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学致力于将学术社区融入学生宿舍. 实现这一目标的方法之一是通过生活学习社区. 生活学习社区的参与者有机会与其他正在学习类似课程或拥有共同大学专业的学生住在一起. 这种模式通过将居民分配到学生群体中来帮助他们培养社会关系, ensuring residents have close contact with faculty, 参与支持生活学习社区主题的项目和活动, 并提供了与校园内其他有相似兴趣的居民互动的机会.

Available Communities

Arts Interdisciplinary Living Community (AILC)

Comprised of students majoring in art & design, music, theatre, dance, broadcasting and/or communication studies, AILC位于校园南端的弗里曼宿舍(Freeman Residence Hall)的几层,就在卡利音乐学院(Cali School of Music)对面,步行几分钟即可到达所有学院的视觉艺术和表演设施. But AILC is not just about convenience. 它是关于有创造性和多学科兴趣的学生一起生活, sharing their passions and challenges, and discovering common ground.

Honors Living Community (HLC)

任何积极参加大学荣誉计划的学生都有资格. HLC的设计是为了在更大的充满活力的大学社区中提供小型文理学院的优势. HLC提供研讨会和选修课程的核心课程,满足通识教育要求,同时努力为学生和教师建立一个充满活力和创造性的社区. The HLC will be housed in specific areas of The Heights, 提供一个有利于学习和促进个人发展的环境, intellectual, social and academic growth. 这个住宅社区的目标是促进学术成功以及合作意识, discovery, and teamwork through a number of social and educational activities. 住宿学生将有特别的机会与荣誉教师单独会面, take part in special seminars, dinners, and lunches, and participate in off-campus concerts, lectures, and field trips.

Stonewall Suites: LGBTQA Living Learning Community

Stonewall Suites is Montclair State University’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning and allied (LGBTQA) living community. 这个社区成立于2010年,一直为学生提供舒适的生活和学习体验, where residents are placed without consideration of gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation. “石墙套房”旨在将有兴趣支持和教育自己和社区的LGBTQA和其他社会正义问题的学生联系起来. 那些住在石墙套房的学生努力将他们在课堂上学到的经验或理论与学生通过住宿生活和LGBTQ中心参与的机会联系起来. This community is located in Parker and Whitman Halls.

Global Village Living Community (GVLC)

地球村生活社区(GVLC)是密歇根州立大学国际和国内学生的居住社区. Any student with at least 50 credits, 谁有兴趣了解来自不同国家学生的传统和习俗, 应该考虑申请成为小瀑布村这个生活社区的一员吗. 本专业的国内学生将帮助国际学生解决他们面临的过渡问题.e. 介绍十大博彩推荐排名、十大博彩推荐排名及其周边社区). In exchange, 国际学生将被期望与国内学生分享来自他们祖国的风俗和文化. 对于表示有兴趣与具有特定文化背景或会说外语的国际学生一起生活的国内学生,将予以考虑. GVLC的教职员工顾问将由教务长办公室代表, Office of Global Engagement, 具有跨文化生活技能的外语教师和其他相关教师和顾问. For more information about living in the GVLC, please contact Dr. 蒂姆·怀特,国际学术倡议主任,whitet@eagle1027.com.

Wellness Community

与健康促进、咨询和心理服务办公室合作,居住生活办公室很高兴为学生提供一个社区,以发展对心灵的理解, body, and spirit through a wide range of wellness programs. This community will house both upper-class and new students. 项目将涵盖营养、健身、性健康、酒精和其他药物等领域. 如果你有兴趣做出更健康的决定,提高你在十大博彩推荐排名的时间质量,看看健康社区. 无物质意味着所有居民都同意不受酒精的影响, tobacco, and illegal drugs out of their community.

这个社区也向我们的康复居民开放,作为一个十大博彩推荐排名社区,旨在帮助学生从酒精和其他药物中康复. Students are provided with the academic, 发展和康复支持是在禁欲社区中获得高等教育成功的必要条件.

请注意:所有十大博彩推荐排名州立大学宿舍是毒品和无烟的, 除了小瀑布村,所有宿舍都禁止饮酒. The Wellness Living-Learning Community is in Russ Hall. 有关生活在健康生活学习社区的更多信息, please contact the Office of Residence Life reslife@eagle1027.com.

Apply to a Special Interest Living Community

所有有兴趣住在特殊兴趣生活社区的学生都可以完成以下流程. This application will be available starting Monday, February 14, and can be completed up until the housing selection process begins.

  • Log in to the Residential Management System (RMS).
  • Click “Next Step” after the Housing Selection Homepage.
  • Find the title for Special Interest Housing Application.
  • Click “Next Step.”
  • Complete the application by completing all required fields.

Once your information has been submitted, a member of our team will contact you about your housing placement!