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在三年的项目期间,PCCC希望在A建立其招生.S. Degree in Environmental Sustainability; to revamp five courses to incorporate hands-on learning activities supported by NASA subject matter experts; and to engage students in undergraduate research and internship opportunities with project partners. 特别是, 美国宇航局的兰利研究中心是TEMPO的所在地, 这颗最近发射升空的天基卫星能够以4平方英里的分辨率监测空气质量. 使用美国宇航局TEMPO的数据, PCCC的教师和学生将能够监测城市社区的空气质量, 更深入了解高峰时段交通对本港空气质素的影响, 并将目标社区的空气质量数据与社区健康指标联系起来.

我们很高兴NASA有机会与PCCC合作,让学生与十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的教师一起进行实践学习和研究. 这将扩大我们培养多元化员工队伍的能力,为解决与气候变化和可持续发展有关的问题做好准备, 当今社会面临的两个关键问题.

Dr. 劳拉·比林斯,科学与数学学院院长

通过与NASA的合作, PCCC students will receive paid internships that will allow them—many of whom must work due to personal circumstances—to devote more time to their studies and remain competitive with other STEM students; have access to NASA resources for elite learning tools such as atmospheric sampling equipment and sensors; meet with NASA scientists through videoconferencing; and participate in the Environmental Science Club, 由PCCC和MSU共同主办, 在哪里他们可以体验实地考察, 演讲嘉宾, 和STEM竞赛.


Dr. Josh Galster,地球与环境研究副教授

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