

International travel can be daunting, especially when it involves a visa application. This page describes the processes and documents needed to apply for or renew an H-1B or H-4 visa and pass through Customs to enter the U.S.,希望能让这一切变得容易一些. 另外,请务必参考学校的 Immigration-DACA页面 在旅行之前.

无论何时你到美国境外旅行.S. and reenter in H-1B status, please carry the following documents in your carry-on bag: 

  • Form I-797 Approval Notice (with I-94 card if you have not previously departed the U.S.)申请H-1B签证
  • H-1B签证(如果你没有H-1B签证, 请参阅下面的“申请H-1B或H-4签证”部分.)
  • 在进入美国时,护照的有效期应为6个月.S. (However, if the country from which your passport was issued is listed here under Countries That Extend Passport Validity for an Additional Six Months After Expiration, the country extends passport validity for an additional six months after the passport’s expiration date, 所以你可以用你的护照进入美国.S. 只要没过期就行.)
  • Copy of 十大博彩推荐排名州立 job offer letter signed by the President of 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 and any subsequent reappointment letters
  • 最近四份工资单的复印件
  • 推荐:人力资源部最近的工作证明
  • Copy of most recent Form W-2 from 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学, if you have one

如果H-4家属将与您一起旅行或独自旅行, 你的家属(或你), on a dependent child’s behalf) should carry the following documents in a carry-on bag: 

  • 雇员H-1B申请的I-797批准通知复印件
  • Dependent’s Form I-797 Approval Notice (with I-94 card if your dependent has not previously departed the U.S.)用于I-539身份变更申请
  • H-4 visa (If you do not have an H-4 visa, please see the “Applying for an H-1B or H-4” section below.)
  • 在进入美国时,护照的有效期应为6个月.S. (However, if the country from which your passport was issued is listed here under Countries That Extend Passport Validity for an Additional Six Months After Expiration, the country extends passport validity for an additional six months after the passport’s expiration date, 所以你可以用你的护照进入美国.S. 只要没过期就行.)
  • Copy of the H-4 dependent’s birth certificate (for a child) or marriage certificate (for a spouse)
  • Copies of the H-1B employee’s official job offer letter signed by the President of 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 and any subsequent reappointment letters
  • H-1B签证雇员最近四份工资单的复印件
  • Recommended: copy of the H-1B employee’s employment verification letter from HR
  • Copy of the H-1B employee’s most recent Form W-2 from 十大博彩推荐排名州立, if applicable

如果你的H-1B申请还没有被批准, you have a pending change of status application (I-129 or I-539) with USCIS, or you are in the midst of an application for Lawful Permanent Residency (e.g.(I-140或I-485),请与 伊丽莎白·吉尔, Director of 国际就业 and Immigration, before making travel plans.

i - 94的信息: 

  • Always check your I-94 stamp before leaving the Port of Entry (airport or U.S. 边界)确定你的名字, 出生日期, 分类(h - 1 b / H-4), 和入职日期是正确的. 如果有什么不正确的地方,在你离开机场之前把它修好.
  • 抵达美国后.S.,检查你的 I-94电子信息 来验证它也是正确的. 如有修改,请联系 伊丽莎白·吉尔 寻求帮助.


检查你护照上的签证章, 如果你的签证已经过期或者你没有H-1B/H-4签证, 在美国大使馆安排签证面谈.S. 驻外领事馆或大使馆. 国务院的网站提供 确保签证面谈和签证处理的等待时间. 您将需要完成 表格ds - 160, Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application and pay any related fees required by the Department of State. H-1B申请的机读签证(MRV)费用为190美元. 除了准备以下清单中列出的文件, 请查看本指南标题为 申请非移民签证指引(PDF)‌.

的se are the documents you as an H-1B employee should carry to your visa interview:

    • 电子提交DS-160的确认页
    • 签证预约确认页面(如果在线预约)
    • 收到DS-160签证申请费
    • 签证互惠费, if applicable; you can look up your country to see if there is a fee required for your visa type on the Department of State’s U.S. 签证:互惠和民事文件按国家页
    • H-1B申请的I-797批准通知
    • 您的H-1B申请的完整副本,可以从 伊丽莎白·吉尔, Director of 国际就业 and Immigration, if you do not already have one
    • 有效护照
    • Copies of official job offer letter signed by the President of 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 and any subsequent reappointment letters (for continuing employees)
    • 建议继续聘用员工的其他文件:
      • 如果是长期雇员,最近四份工资单的复印件
      • 人力资源部门出具的就业证明
      • Copy of most recent Form W-2 from 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学, if you have one

的se are the documents your H-4 dependent(s) should carry to the visa interview:

    • Copy of the H-1B employee’s H-1B申请的I-797批准通知
    • 结婚证明和/或出生证明
    • Form I-797 Approval Notice for the I-539 change of status application, if applicable
    • 有效护照
    • Copies of the H-1B employee’s official job offer letter signed by the President of 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 and any subsequent reappointment letters
    • H-1B签证雇员最近四份工资单的复印件, 如果是连续雇员
    • Recommended: copy of the H-1B employee’s recent employment verification letter from HR, 如果是连续雇员
    • Copy of the H-1B employee’s most recent Form W-2 from 十大博彩推荐排名州立, if applicable

如果您对您的旅行有其他问题,请十大博彩推荐排名 伊丽莎白·吉尔,国际就业与移民署署长,寻求协助.

重返美国.S. 自动签证重新验证

自动重新验证允许某些非移民离开美国.S. 然后用an重新输入 过期的 访问加拿大后在有效护照上加盖非移民签证章, 墨西哥或“邻近岛屿” 少于30天. 的 policies and regulations regarding Automatic Visa Revalidation from the Department of State should be reviewed carefully before you travel; it is also highly recommended that you print out a copy of the Department of State’s guidance to carry with you when you travel.

According to the Department of State, nonimmigrants who otherwise meet the requirements are 不 符合自动签证续期资格的人士:

  • 申请新签证,尚未签发的;
  • 申请新签证被拒;
  • 在美国境外停留超过30天;
  • 去过加拿大以外的国家吗, 墨西哥, or an adjacent island which is not included in the automatic revalidation provisions;
  • Are a national of a State Sponsor of Terrorism designated country, including Iran, Syria, and Sudan. 回顾更多关于 支持恐怖主义的国家.
  • Are in possession of an F student visa or J exchange visitor visa and has traveled to Cuba;
  • Are in possession of an M student visa and has traveled to a location outside the United States, 除了加拿大和墨西哥.

您必须携带以下文件才能再次进入美国.S. 使用自动签证重新生效:

  • 表格i - 94 或打印出的电子I-94. 把你的电子I-94表打印出来. If you have a paper I-94 card (card attached to your Approval Notice or in your passport), you must be sure that the Customs officer/airline attendant does not take your I-94 upon your departure from the U.S. 如果你有电子I-94,并计划离开美国.S. 乘飞机,但从陆地返回, you should be sure that the Customs officer gives you a new I-94 number when reentering the U.S.
  • 移民文件/其他文件: 您将需要上面列出的所有文件 除有效签证外,以H-1B和H-4身份旅行. 除了, if you have renewed your passport and the 过期的 visa is in your old passport, 你必须携带有过期签证的护照.


某些国家的公民必须有签证才能进入加拿大. To find out if you need a visa and to obtain visa application instructions, please refer to 加拿大公民及移民部(CIC). 您也可以访问该页面 加拿大驻纽约领事馆.


Anyone who visits 墨西哥 must have a tourist card or visa; these may be obtained at the Mexican Consulate. 有关所需文件的清单,请参阅 墨西哥驻纽约领事馆.

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