



The 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 community holds academic honesty and personal integrity as core values. All students are expected to apply themselves to their coursework and follow assignment instructions. 学生s must refrain from actions that provide an unfair advantage for oneself or others, refrain from actions that misrepresent a student’s proficiency or accomplishments, 不要帮助那些试图参与的人, 或受益于, 不诚实的行为. Engaging in any of these prohibited behaviors is considered academic misconduct.

学术 misconduct is any action or attempted action by a student that compromises the academic integrity of the 大学, 颠覆了教育过程, or results in creating an unfair academic advantage for oneself or an unfair academic advantage or disadvantage for any other member of the academic community. 这适用于已评分和未评分的课程, 个人和小组作业, and to all academic work products and academic activities at the university.
学术工作产品包括但不限于:论文, 论文, 小测验, 测试, 考试, 演讲, 内部和外部演示, 摘要, 海报, 报告, 项目, 建议, 手稿, 问题集, 计算机代码, 作文, 艺术设计与创作, 调查, 翻译, 音标, 展览, 可交付成果, 研究生综合考试, 研究生资格考试, 硕士论文, 和博士论文.

Examples of student academic misconduct include, but are not limited to:

  • Copying from another student’s work product or permitting another student to copy from one’s own work.
  • Re-submitting a work product that was generated by another student who previously took the course.
  • Submitting one’s own work products for credit in more than one course without prior permission from all instructors (i.e.(提交两门或两门以上课程的学期论文).
  • Using unauthorized assistance or unauthorized materials from any source (including but not limited to oral, audio, 物理, 数字, 短信, 生成式人工智能(AI), 照片, 应用程序, 网站, 和服务)来生成工作产品.
  • Unauthorized collusion or collaboration with other persons in preparing work products, 或以其他方式给予或接受未经授权的援助.
  • 未经授权的聚会, 偷, 购买, 运输, 征求, 赠送或出售作品或教育产品.
  • Coercing any other person to obtain information regarding course materials, 作业, 工作产品.
  • Impersonating another student to complete a work product on their behalf, or 征求 or engaging an impersonator for such purposes on behalf of oneself or others.
  • 更改分级工作产品的信息, 然后声称老师给作业评分不当.
  • Submitting altered, fabricated, or falsified information in a work product.
  • 破坏或干扰其他学生的学习体验, 例如污损, 破坏, or withholding shared information or shared materials from classmates.
  • 剽窃

抄袭: 使用单词, 的想法, or work products of another person or entity (including generative AI), 在某种程度上, 仿佛它们是自己的, 无意或无意, and the unacknowledged incorporation of the content in one’s own work. 提交一份副本, 部分复制, 或者部分改写别人的作品作为自己的作品是抄袭. 抄袭与文字有关, 的想法, 图片, 图片, data, 音频内容, 以及没有适当引用的演讲. Source citations must always be given for works and information 引用 or paraphrased.

The following guidelines will assist students in avoiding plagiarism:

  • General indebtedness for background information and data must be acknowledged by inclusion of a bibliography of all works consulted;
  • 对某一特定想法的具体负债, 或者引用一下, 必须通过文本引用来确认, 脚注, 或尾注引用到实际的源代码. 无法识别引用的文本, or text used largely in its original form even with an accompanying citation present, “补丁写作”,这是一种抄袭.
  • Work will be considered plagiarism if it duplicates completely or in part, 没有引用, the work of another person to an extent that is greater than is commonly accepted. The degree to which imitation 没有引用 is permissible varies from discipline to discipline. 学生s must consult their instructors to ensure they understand acceptable practices within the discipline.
  • 必须始终引用从互联网/网站获取的信息. 不正确地承认网上信息是抄袭.
  • Cite a generative AI tool whenever work created by the tool is paraphrased, 引用, 或者整合到自己的工作产品中. 如果生成式人工智能被用来编辑自己的散文, the use of the tool for this function should be acknowledged in the work.


学生s are subject to disciplinary action for reasons of academic dishonesty. Course instructors play an integral role in the process for resolving academic dishonesty complaints.

An instructor with suspicion or information of dishonesty should first discuss the matter with the student(s) involved.

The instructor should then discuss the situation with the academic department chair/school director.


For a student who seems mistaken in practice rather than guilty of intention, 或者在这种情况下,似乎需要宽大处理, 老师, 咨询学术主席/主任, 可采取他们认为适当的下列任何一项措施:

  • 给问题中的作业打“零”或“不及格”的分。
  • Allow the student to demonstrate that s/he can fulfill an assignment through her/his own honest effort.

For an offense which seems to be a clear case of intentional academic misconduct or which does not seem to warrant leniency, 老师, 咨询学术主席/主任后, 可以做以下任何一项或两项:

  • 给问题中的作业打“零”或“不及格”的分。
  • 给这门课打“F”分.
    • 学生s have the right to remain in a class during the term of any course until or unless suspension from the class or the 大学 is imposed.
      • 如果因为学术不诚实而被判“F”, 老师 should immediately transmit a request to post a grade of “F” on the student’s record. 请求应该发送到 registrar@eagle1027.com,并将副本交学术主席/主任.


When a course instructor asserts that a student has committed academic misconduct and a grade penalty is assigned, the student has the right to appeal the grade decision through the established Grade Grievance procedure.


The instructor may report the incident to the Director of 学生 Conduct. The student conduct system is administered by the Division of 学生 Development and Campus Life, following a non-academic process for adjudicating assertions of academic misconduct with non-academic potential sanctions (which exclude course grades) as described in the 学生 Code of Conduct.

The academic grade grievance and student conduct systems are separate systems. 一个系统中的决策对另一个系统没有约束力.
