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Montclair Football Stars Score Big in Business

毕业生聚光灯:为学生运动员尼古拉斯·伯吉斯和卡梅伦·希伯特, the next big plays are their MBAs

Posted in: Athletics, Business, Homepage News, University

A Montclair football player, #0, is hyped up by a crowd of fans.
Nicholas Burgess means business on and off the field, 在攻读工商管理硕士之前,他获得了商业管理学士学位. (Photo by Matt Deluca)

两名十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的足球运动员将在球场上引起人们的注意 Commencement 2024 他们将于5月13日从费利西亚诺商学院(Feliciano School of Business)获得本科学位. The two student athletes are part of the 4+1 Bachelor’s/MBA program, 这是十大博彩推荐排名大学80个允许学生在五年内获得两个学位的综合项目之一.

Red Hawk football captain Nicholas Burgess, aka “Agent 0” because of his uniform number, and offensive lineman Cameron Siebert, #64, 将获得商业管理和会计理学学士学位, respectively. They’ll both return to campus this summer to work on their MBAs.

Nicholas Burgess
足球队长尼古拉斯·伯吉斯在学术上是认真的. (Photo courtesy of the Feliciano School of Business)

Managing his business

伯吉斯被选为新泽西体育联盟(NJAC) 2023年度最佳防守球员, All-Region, 人们可能会认为足球是他的A计划. It’s definitely his Plan B.

Plan A has always been getting an MBA and working in finance. 他说:“我喜欢足球,但我从来没有梦想过成为职业球员。. Still, 伯吉斯计划参加明年的NJAC亲球探日,“如果有机会的话。, I’ll commit to it. If not, I’m OK with my football career.”


But first, he’ll take care of business. 伯吉斯说:“我一直想获得MBA学位,不管时间安排如何。. “For me to be able to do it while doing my undergrad degree, 然后能够在一年内完成它是你所要求的一切. The program is everything and more.”

伯吉斯认为,学术顾问确保学生“掌握我们的知识”. We’re learning more about the professional world and general business, 然后你就能看到你的本科经历如何应用到你的研究生经历中.”


“Everything he does, he does it 100%, whether it’s football, his internship or his classes,” says Head Football Coach Mike Palazzo. “He cares. 队里的人或者认识尼克的人都不会说他不关心, not only his success, but the team’s success.” 

管理教学专家丽莎·布鲁克斯·格雷奥在过去两年里给伯吉斯上了四节商业课,并给予了他很高的评价. “Nicholas sits in the front row, dead center, and he’s always paying attention, always taking notes, always asking questions, but the interesting thing about him, probably because he’s also captain of the football team, is that he engages the rest of the class,” she says. “所以,他实际上通过他的参与和出席,提高了班上其他同学的标准. 

Because of his success juggling academics, football and an internship at the financial firm Morgan Stanley, Burgess was featured in an award-winning, eight-minute YouTube video titled 《十大博彩推荐排名》,费利西亚诺商学院学生 about the star student’s athleticism, passion and legacy. In it, 他的父母塞拉斯和尼基亚·伯吉斯说,他努力学习,在学生和运动员方面都很成功.

在视频中,足球队友梅森·默多克分享了他对伯吉斯时间管理能力的钦佩. “I don’t know how he does it, working 30 hours a week, taking 18 credits and being a captain on the football team,” he says, “and he still finds time for extracurriculars. It’s insane.”

Burgess acknowledges that “it’s not an easy balance,但他说,他从父母那里和布朗克斯的红衣主教海斯高中(Cardinal Hayes High School)学会了时间管理, an all-boys Catholic school, before moving to Hackensack, New Jersey.

“I’m always searching for more things to accomplish,” Burgess says. “My biggest thing with that is just being intentional. Everything I do has to allow for my goals.”

伯吉斯期待着与他的大家庭一起庆祝毕业,但他尤其期待毕业典礼上的庆祝活动. His 2020 graduation from Cardinal Hayes was held on YouTube. 他说:“他们给学生送花,但我们没能一起体验。. “我很期待那种氛围,期待成为毕业典礼的一部分, 在漫长的四年之后,我和家人一起快乐地经历了这一切.”

Cameron Siebert
红鹰橄榄球运动员卡梅伦·西伯特将成为第一代大学毕业生, earning a Bachelor of Science in Accounting. (Photo by Lors Photography)

Scoring a first-generation degree

西伯特也在高中毕业典礼上举行了新冠肺炎纪念仪式,并期待着毕业典礼. His parents, 爷爷奶奶和阿姨们都会到场庆祝他是家里第一个获得大学学位的人.

虽然塞伯特在进入十大博彩推荐排名大学时还没有决定主修什么专业,但他还是选择了4+1 MBA课程. “机会来了,我可以做到这一点,也踢了第五年的足球, so it just made sense,” says Siebert, 他还在佩昆诺克镇兼职管理一支休闲篮球队, New Jersey.

After acquiring his MBA, Siebert says, “我想从商,做项目管理或体育管理.”

商业管理副教授吴特在他的项目管理课上有Seibert. “卡梅伦表现很好,得了950分(满分1000分)。. This is a solid A. 作为一名优秀的学生,他经常参与课堂活动,并提出“聪明”的问题. 在他的研究论文中,他写了一篇关于SoFi体育场及其建设的深刻报告. It was a pleasure having Cameron in my class.”

希伯特和伯吉斯都是坚定的领导者,尽管风格不同. They always show up, despite their busy schedules. “Cam is a quiet leader on the team. He doesn’t have to say much but he leads by example. He hasn’t missed a practice or workout session in four years, 他做的额外的事情表明他对团队的奉献精神,” Palazzo says. “He’s an impressive student because, much like Nick, 他能够成为一个4+1的学生,你甚至不知道他的工作量很大. He is very good at managing his time.”

Palazzo is always happy to see his players graduate. Noting that Montclair is “not a football factory, churning out pro players,教练说他只有一个目标:“让这些人毕业,拿到学位,找到工作。.”

与此同时,他会很高兴地欢迎这两位球员回归,开始他们的第五年足球生涯. “Both Nick and Cam are leaders of the program,” Palazzo says. “他们是我们球队和未来红鹰队的伟大榜样.”

Red Hawks offensive lineman Cameron Siebert stands midfield.
进攻边锋卡梅伦·西伯特(Cameron Siebert)在攻读MBA学位的同时,期待着第五年的足球生涯. (Photo by Matt Deluca)

Story by Staff Writer Sylvia A. Martinez.


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