Photo of College Hall Bell Tower

Students Showcase 研究 at 2024 Symposium

Diverse topics range from affirmative action, tea culture and gun violence to robots in the hospitality industry

发布: 老师的声音, 研究生院, 研究, 大学

A student discusses his research poster with a faculty member.
埃里克·达曼, a Marine Biology and Coastal Sciences 主要, 在2024年学生研究研讨会上,与负责研究的代理副教务长斯蒂芬妮·布拉赫菲尔德(Stefanie Brachfeld)一起回顾了他对潮汐沼泽甲烷排放和碳储存的研究.

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的学生们展示了他们的研究成果,从为什么美国人不像其他国家和文化那样接受喝茶的仪式,到机器人在酒店业的使用 2024 Student 研究 Symposium at 大学 Hall Conference Center on April 26. Students also explored environmental concerns, such as microplastics in water, 话题从教育中的种族不平等、平权行动的作用、遗产录取到枪支暴力和大规模枪击事件.

As a comprehensive research university, 十大博彩推荐排名的学生研究研讨会为本科生和研究生提供了一个通过海报展示分享他们发现的机会. Organized by the Office of 研究, 今年的活动展示了241张海报,突出了139名本科生的研究成果, 68 master’s and 34 doctoral students mentored by 110 faculty members.

“十大博彩推荐排名的学生研究研讨会是我们的学生分享他们的工作的机会, 接收反馈, brainstorm ideas for next steps in their projects, 并培养研究报告的技巧,并将这些技巧记录在专业简历上,” says Acting Vice Provost for 研究 Stefanie Brachfeld. “展示研究和学术成果要求学生以一种令人兴奋和容易理解的方式解释他们工作的关键要素及其意义,并为即将参加专业会议和即将进行论文和论文答辩的学生提供实践. It’s also an opportunity to network with faculty members and collaborators, as well as other attendees from the community.”

Associate Justice Studies Professor Jason Williams, a mentor to a number of students, 关于研讨会:“作为一个R2公共机构,从事以社区为基础的研究和倡议, 这是一种义务. We have to give our students these opportunities, not only to do research in the community, but to present it publicly.”

From left: Family Science and Human Development graduate student Erin Scott, 利文斯顿高中二年级学生卡玛丽卡·沃拉和研究生朱莉·乔杜里, 谁组队研究了出狱后重返社会的人, 和他们的导师,  Associate Justice Studies Professor Jason Williams.

Among the many presenters were:

Julie Chowdhury and Erin Scott, both Family Science and Human Development graduate students in the doctoral program, 和卡玛丽卡·沃拉, a sophomore at Livingston High School, 他们以“了解回归公民的生活经历”为题,展示了他们对曾经被监禁的人重新融入社会的经历的研究结果.” The poster outlined their “comprehensive approach, examining the citizens’ narratives on trauma, 家庭和社区关系, the criminal justice system, reentry and personal identity.” 

A former federal and state probation officer and current doctoral student, 乔杜里说,她想扭转重新入境的公民被视为一个问题的叙述, to showcasing “their lived experience in a way that told a meaningful story…So, I’m doing the best I can to empower their voices.” 

博士生们采访了以前被监禁的人,发现“他们中的许多人实际上并没有再犯, not because we’ve fixed a problem, 但是因为他们有强大的支持系统,他们关心自己的健康,关心自己的家庭,他们最终看到了自己的潜力. A lot of it has to do with human agency,” says Chowdhury.

Her research partner Scott, a licensed professional counselor in private practice, 研究了那些曾经被监禁的人的标签如何影响他们的心理健康,以及这如何引发抑郁症. It can trigger a lot of insecurity, 问题和事情有时会阻碍他们走上正确的道路.”

Vora, who has an interest in criminal justice and research, 联系了威廉姆斯, who teamed her with his two graduate assistants Chowdry and Scott. 沃拉研究了累犯的经济方面以及帮助公民重新融入社会的政策. “我有机会查看采访的音频文件并将其转录, so being able to hear their stories gave me a new perspective,她说。. “看到他们如何能够克服过去所做的事情,这真的很鼓舞人心.”

A student stands in front of her research poster.
In her research, Angelique Maniego, 一位高级 Jurisprudence, Law and Society 主要, 研究了教育中的种族不平等以及平权行动和遗产录取的作用.

Angelique Maniego, 一位高级 Jurisprudence, Law and Society 主要, 研究了教育中的种族不平等以及平权行动和遗产录取的作用. 她发现,“而不是把重点放在把有色人种提升到社会的同一水平上, 这根植于种族和社会分层……我们应该废除那些允许某些社会制度对某些群体具有某些优势的制度.” By “dismantling the use of legacy admissions, it could be a step towards educational equality for everyone,她说。. 

Kimberly Gonzalez, a sophomore Hospitality, Sports, Events and Tourism 梅杰研究了机器人在旅游业和酒店业的应用,这一领域正日益兴起. She found that while there is room for robots, they don’t have that human touch, which can enhance guest experiences. “Service robots can help with smaller or more tedious tasks, such as check-in or room service, that don’t really need that human aspect,她说。, 他补充说,使用这些工具可以让“人类员工有时间专注于创造联系的价值,从而提升体验,帮助行业保持竞争力。.”

A man smiles in front of his research poster.
政治学与法学 主要 Imaari 安德鲁斯, 一位高级, examined the causes of mass shootings in America. (图片来源:西尔维娅一个. 马丁内斯)

Imaari 安德鲁斯 explored the causes of increases in mass shootings in the country, 包括心理健康和最高法院与第二修正案有关的裁决. 安德鲁斯, who lost his father to gun violence in Newark when he was a child, is not optimistic that mass shootings will decrease. “The Second Amendment continues to be a hotly debated topic, because increasingly those shootings continue to happen.  It’s been going on for so many years; nothing has really changed.”

安德鲁斯, 在获得学士学位后,他正在努力成为新泽西州警察局的一名骑警 政治学与法学, 他说,在枪支权利和公共安全之间找到平衡“对政策制定者和整个社会来说仍然是一项紧迫的任务.”

在张贴海报的间隙, students and other attendees heard from professors about scholarship, study abroad and other opportunities. 司法研究教授杰西卡·亨利讨论了她从公设辩护人到十大博彩推荐排名教师和2022年杰出学者的旅程. She shared that as a first-generation college student, she didn’t know what she didn’t know, and she offered students three pieces of advice: “Use your resources, 包括教授, advisors and Career Services. Second, follow your passion. Third, do the work, even if it’s hard.”


A professor gestures while speaking at a lectern.

Brachfeld notes that the Symposium also helps students in other ways. “Not all students can afford to take time away from school, 家庭, employment and personal obligations to attend a professional conference, 所以我们的研讨会对于提供专业发展的机会是非常重要的.”

威廉姆斯表示:“像这样的举措确实有助于我们强调,我们是一家卓越的机构. You can come here and do research, and not just in the classroom context, but you can be in a field of your professors collecting data, working with community-based organizations, you can come here and literally, 做所有的事情.”


A student speaks as two people view her poster.
Students listen to a speaker during the 2024 Student 研究 Symposium.
A student wearing a cowboy hat reviews his poster as two people look on.
A student gestures as she discusses her research poster.

特约撰稿人报道 西尔维娅一个. 马丁内斯. 照片 by 大学 Photographer 迈克•彼得斯.

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