

Cali Pathways Project is changing the face of classical music by helping talented young underrepresented musicians reach their full potential

发布: 艺术, 首页新闻, 大学

歌手伊玛尼·阿卡卡在12月的卡利表演会上表演, 由合作钢琴家迈克尔·考德威尔伴奏.

As a freshman, Basil Blasa is already performing at the highest levels at the John J. 加州音乐学院. 作为著名的管乐交响乐团的一员, 他演奏自己的镀银单簧管, a high-quality instrument he could never have afforded on his own.

But as a Music 教育 major in the Cali Pathways Project – which identifies talented musicians while still in 高中, and provides funds to help them buy instruments and more – Blasa is reaching his potential thanks to 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学’s commitment to diversify the field of music.

In just its second year, Cali Pathways is hitting all the right notes. With about 40 高中 musicians receiving instruments and training while still in 高中, the first freshman cohort of 10 Pathway “alumni” sing and play on campus, preparing for careers as professional musicians and music educators.

去年, 作为一名来自巴约讷的高中生, 新泽西, Basil Blasa came to Montclair for an improvisation workshop with violinist Charles Yang and other Cali Pathways students.

由补助金和私人捐款资助, Montclair is now launching a campaign to expand the initiative. A Name-A-Seat运动 will allow donors to name one or more of the 180 permanent seats in the Leshowitz Recital Hall. 目标是筹集100美元,000 to help fund scholarships for talented student musicians from underrepresented backgrounds.

“The students we are trying to reach are students who are very passionate about music, 有音乐天赋, involved with their music programs in their public schools but who don’t have the resources to take that next step,Cali Pathways项目协调员Tomoko Fujita说. “We’re trying to overcome those barriers so that students are not making life choices based on the limited opportunities in front of them, 而是可以充分发挥他们的音乐潜力.”

维多利亚奥尔特加, 音乐教育专业的大一新生, learned of the program from a teacher while helping to set up the band room in her Staten Island, 纽约, 高中. “他们可以给你上课, 他们可以给你提供一种乐器, 他们可以提供学费补助,奥尔特加回忆起那次谈话. “I had to submit a video of myself playing so I used a clip of me playing a solo on the euphonium.”

She recalls the day at Montclair when she was presented with an euphonium of her own. “It’s basically a tuba, but it sounds more like a trombone,” Ortega says. “我没有自己的乐器,因为它要花5美元,这不是我们能负担得起的.” Opening the case, and playing it for the first time, “I sounded so good, I didn’t want to stop.”


维多利亚奥尔特加, 音乐教育专业的大一新生, 打开盒子,然后演奏她的新低音乐器, which was purchased for her with funding in the Cali Pathways Program.

在全国范围内, there are multiple efforts underway to increase access to music education for underrepresented young talent. “But the reality is that we haven’t really significantly changed the demographics,藤田说, noting that just about 3% of musicians in professional orchestras are musicians of color.

“What’s interesting about Cali Pathways is that we are not just looking to diversify orchestral musicians, 我们也在培养音乐教育工作者. 如果我们能让更多有色人种的音乐家在学校教书, then we’re going to be able to inspire and connect with a greater number of young students of color. 这将产生巨大的影响,”藤田说.

布拉萨渴望在高中教书, pausing as he talks about his goals to remember (and thank) his teacher at Bayonne High School for inspiring him. “If I could do that for even one student – if I could be like she was to me – then my life is made. 我发现了一些非常了不起的东西.”

Cali Pathways以现有的非营利项目为蓝本, with Montclair the first university in the nation to work directly with public schools to recruit and train 高中 students, 并跟踪和指导他们进入音乐学校. Montclair provides full scholarships for the students who successfully audition and are admitted to the John J. 卡利音乐学院院长安东尼·马佐奇说.

“Every student has a very different story and very different needs,” Mazzocchi says.

Many will be the first in their families to attend college and students say the encouragement from the Cali School is transformative. “这个项目代表着希望,高中生泰玛·加灵顿说, 来自斯塔顿岛的小号手, 纽约.

“I’ve become more confident because when you’re around your peers, 你总是能得到反馈, ‘oh, 你做得很好.’ But when you get in front of people who you don’t know or people who are more experienced, 这就像, 哇, 也许我比我想象的要好,加林顿说. “That’s just so surreal to me because if you were to ask me a year and a half ago if I’d be going to college for music or if I’d be getting an instrument, 我会在这里为大家演奏, 我从来没有这样想过.”

玛丽亚Taveras, 来自布朗克斯的高中高年级单簧管演奏家, 纽约, 增加了, “Even though we’re all from different areas and different backgrounds, 让我们走到一起的是音乐. That’s what makes me happy because I’m not the only Hispanic out there who enjoys classical and jazz music and wants to focus on it.”


在12月, Cali Pathways 高中 musicians visited Montclair to showcase their talents for Cali School faculty. 玛丽亚Taveras, 来自布朗克斯的高中高年级单簧管演奏家, 纽约, 为KeriAnn DeBari教授演奏.
Female student with an instrument that looks like a small tuba with male professor.
安东尼·马佐奇(Anthony Mazzocchi)是约翰·J. 加州音乐学院, 与索菲亚·博纳莫同台演出, 一个来自斯塔顿岛的初中音乐家. Bonamo plays the euphonium and says she enjoys her lessons at Cali. “这是一个安全的地方,非常受欢迎. 在这里犯错误没关系.”
Geanelly Vallecillo(右), 帕特森的一名高三学生, 新泽西, 听取凯瑟琳·洛克伍德教授的指导. Cali Pathways资助她参加了一个音乐夏令营, "这是一生难得的机会,瓦列西略说.
在布朗克斯的西莉亚克鲁兹布朗克斯音乐高中, 纽约, Cali Pathways允许学生尝试乐器. Shown are Venus Rodriguez and her private violin teacher, Naho Parrini.
Alan Alvarez plays a new violin at Celia Cruz Bronx High School of Music in the Bronx, 纽约.
Famed violinist Charles Yang plays on stage in the Jed Leshowitz Recital Hall with Cali Pathways students, 即兴创作. It was the first time the students were able to come together and play safely due to the pandemic.

特约撰稿人报道 玛丽莲·乔伊斯·莱伦. 照片及视频由 罗伯•戴维森.
捐赠: 命名座位活动
