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Getting Help

Human Resources, 健康促进和CAPS在困难时期为心理健康需求提供额外支持

Posted in: Health, Homepage News, Human Services, University


大流行造成的破坏、孤立和损失可能是困难的. 如果你正在努力应付,大学在这里帮助你.

“我们希望学生和其他人知道,他们并不孤单,” says Marie Cascarano, coordinator of Health Promotion.

Students can access a variety of resources, 从传统的咨询到互助小组, to fun social activities and videos, to downloadable apps through Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) and the Office of Health Promotion. CAPS还为教职员工提供推荐和咨询.

Counselors are available for students 24/7. Call CAPS at 973-655-5211. If calling after hours (including nights, weekends, holiday breaks and during weather closings), 选择选项2联系有执照的心理健康咨询师.

All employees can get free, 为自己和家人提供保密援助 Employee Assistance Program,由大西洋卫生系统提供. 预约免费保密预约,请拨打800-242-7371. Additional resources 可透过人力资源部的 Restart Employee Resources page.

大学社区的成员被鼓励互相照顾. “很明显,学生们正经历着巨大的压力和孤立,” says Writing Professor Emily Isaacs, 他也是学院发展办公室的执行主任. 她指出,“大学教室——无论它在哪里——仍然是我们作为人类需要联系的地方.”

“Faculty feel enormous empathy for students. 我们中的许多人也在与失去、恐惧、孤立、过度工作和担忧作斗争。. “So we get it, and we want to help.”

Resources through Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) and the Office of Health Promotion:

  • Coping 101 – A skills training, 让学生学习和练习处理负面情绪的技巧, such as extreme sadness, anxiety and anger. Dialectical Behavior Therapy skills, which focus on mindfulness, regulating emotions, 忍受痛苦,改善人际关系, are taught. Topics change each week. Tuesdays at 3 p.m. Use this link to join:
  • TAO (Therapy Assistance Online) -一个完全私人的行为健康资源在线图书馆, provided free to students or employees, offering guided therapy for stress, anxiety, depression and other concerns. TAO手机应用程序可以让你轻松练习改变思维模式和学习放松等技能.
  • Let’s TeleTalk -周一至周五一对一支持,每周提供9次.
  • 连接:适应新冠疫情时期的生活 – In addition to the health concerns, 大流行带来的压力和不确定性令人感到沉重和难以承受. To provide support to our students, CAPS主办了一个每周一次的在线支持小组,联系并分享渡过这段艰难时期的建议. Mondays, 11 a.m. – noon, Zoom. 对所有十大博彩推荐排名州立大学本科生和研究生开放.
  • Recovery Room 康复室是一个非正式的小组,供在校本科生和研究生在一个安全的环境中相互支持, 对那些想要探索他们与酒精和其他药物关系的人开放, 谁认为自己从酒精和其他药物中恢复过来, or seek recovery resources. 康复室在这个学期的虚拟空间举行 Tuesdays 3-4 p.m. and Thursdays 11 a.m. – noon, via Zoom.
  • Parenting in Recovery -康复中的父母是一个非正式的团体,为目前入学的在寻求康复的同时抚养孩子的学生提供服务. Mondays, 9 a.m., Zoom. 欲了解更多信息,包括Zoom link,请联系Dr. Kristine De Jesus at or 973-655-4215.
  • Mindfulness Meditation 正念冥想是一种自我意识的练习,特别关注你的呼吸. 练习正念冥想可以降低你的压力, 帮助你更好地与自己和他人联系, and increase focus by calming your mind. Participate on Mondays, 1 p.m., via Zoom with video or audio only.
  • Studio DIY -发挥你的创造力,参加旨在减少焦虑和压力的diy手工活动, boost confidence, and improve memory, problem-solving and concentration. 从周一到周五上午9点,在Drop In Center可以领取和制作工艺套件.m. – 4 p.m. 每隔一周就会有一艘新船.
  • Doodle to Destress 涂鸦、上色、画画或手工来放松或简单地发挥创造力. All you need is paper and a writing utensil! 顺便去拜访中心拿一套涂鸦工具.
  • Brain Break -在一天中花一到两分钟的时间暂停和重置. 一天中短暂的休息可以帮助你集中注意力,提高效率,改善心情. Available on Tik Tok, Instagram and YouTube.
  • The Graduate Get-Together 学生主导的空间是在压力大的时候用来表达或随意交谈的吗. 对所有在读研究生开放. First meeting is February 24 at 12 p.m.: Practicing Self Compassion. Discussing themes like aging, living through a pandemic, 照顾好自己的身体,保持工作与生活的平衡.
  • The Health Promotion Drop-In Center (位于学生中心和理查德森大厅之间的红白相间的小建筑)每天早上9点开放.m. – 4 p.m. 周一至周五为学生提供信息,对话和推荐. 上门服务中心由受过专门训练的本科生和研究生组成.
  • Healthy Minds Study - 2月16日,所有十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的学生都收到了一封来自“凯伦L. Pennington, PhD” at 邀请他们参加这个全国性的研究项目. 通过研究收集的机密信息将用于制定政策, 校园项目和服务的实践和资助, thus improving student life. 请在您的十大博彩推荐排名州立大学gmail帐户中查找此邮件. 参与者有资格赢得亚马逊礼品卡.

More Mental Health Support如果您需要帮助,请在营业时间内或下班后与CAPS联系. Business Hours: Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. at 973-655-5211. After Hours Support: You can always reach a qualified clinician. After hours (including nights, weekends, 节假日和天气休业期间,有执照的心理健康咨询师可以为危机提供帮助. Call 973-655-5211 and choose OPTION 2 to be immediately connected to a counselor.

Follow the Office of Health Promotion on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and Tik Tok. 欲了解更多信息,包括Zoom链接,请联系Dr. Marie Cascarano at

Find links to outside resources here.

Story by Staff Writer Mary Barr Mann

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