


教师, staff and teaching assistants are all responsible for creating welcoming and inclusive environments in the classroom. 近年来, 文化, political and legal resistance to the oppression of transgender people has resulted in greater visibility of the issues facing this population and growing recognition of gender identity and expression discrimination. 随着这些问题得到越来越多的关注, and as obstacles to trans people’s participation in 教育 and 就业 are addressed, 我们的班级可能会继续有更多的变性人. These tips may be helpful in ensuring that your classroom is a welcoming place for 十大博彩推荐排名州立’s trans and gender non-conforming students, 并确保减少和消除无意的排斥行为, 让学生在课堂上充分发挥潜能. This reaffirms our institution’s commitment to not discriminate based on gender identity and expression.


在课堂上树立尊重和批判性探究的基调. 在每学期开始制定课堂指导方针时, include something like: “It is important that this classroom be a respectful environment where everyone can participate comfortably. 其中一部分是,每个人都应该被称为他们选择的名字, 他们名字的正确发音, 以及他们选择的代词(比如她), ze, he, 或者他们).“这样做为挑战人们对身体的假设奠定了基调, 他们的身份和他们在性别方面表现自己的方式, 还有种族问题, 种族, class, dis /能力, 性取向和原籍国. This can also encourage critical engagement with the authors and subjects of texts and ideas in our classes.


Avoid calling the roll or otherwise reading the roster aloud until you have given students a chance to state what name and pronouns they use, 以防花名册上有之前的名字. 不要把课程花名册投射到屏幕上让全班同学看. 如果你使用考勤表, make sure to update it so that it lists used names rather than legal ones so as not to out students.

的名字 & 代词

让学生告诉你他们将在课堂上使用什么名字和代词, 在考勤表上, 对于提交的作业. Avoid making assumptions based on what is on the class roster (which automatically lists legal names at this moment in time) or the student’s appearance. A great way to accomplish this is to pass around a seating chart sign-in sheet and 问 them to indicate these two items in writing, 然后当你打电话给学生或在课堂上提到他们时使用它们.

请注意: faculty cannot require transgender students to use legal names in class or when submitting class assignments, 小测验, 考试, 等. 法律要求教师尊重学生使用的/“首选”的名字. 有关这些要求的更多信息,请查看 Dear Colleague Letter issued by the Department of Justice and the Department of 教育, 美国教育委员会问题简报,或与Ebony Jackson联系 jacksoneb@eagle1027.com.


促进小组讨论时, 让人们在四处走动和做介绍时识别自己的性别代词. This will allow everyone in the room the chance to self-identify and to get each other’s pronouns right the first time. It will also reduce the burden on anyone whose pronoun is often misidentified and may help them access the discussion more easily because they do not have to fear an embarrassing mistake made by another student or the instructor. 你可以这样说:“在我们的自我介绍中,请说出你的名字和代词. 我先说:我叫Simon,我用代词he, him和his.”


If a student has a previous name and/or pronoun that you are aware of because you knew them before it changed, 或者因为它在花名册上, 不要使用或透露给别人. 善意的评论,比如“吉娜还是比尔的时候我就认识她了,,即使是出于支持, 向学生透露一些个人信息, 不必要地引起人们对他们跨性别身份的关注.


如果你把别人的代词搞错了,自己纠正. 装作什么都没发生,实际上比纠正错误更不尊重人. This also saves the person who was misidentified from having to correct an incorrect pronoun before it is planted in the minds of classmates or anyone else who heard the mistake. 作为老师, 特别是, it is essential that you model respectful behavior and keep in mind that students pay 特别是 close attention to the ways we interact with our students in the classroom.



是否在办公时间, 在与学生小组交谈时, 或者在与教职员工交谈时, 当别人犯了一个代词错误, 改正. It is polite to provide a correction, whether or not the person whose pronoun was misused is present. Allowing the mistake to go uncorrected ensures future uncomfortable interactions for the person who is being misidentified. 例如, 如果同事用错了学生的代名词, 简单地回答:“我相信吉娜用了她和她的代词.”


避免问变性人一些你不会问别人的私人问题. 因为媒体对变性人生活的耸人听闻的报道, 人们通常认为私人问题是合适的. 永远不要问变性人的身体或医疗状况, 他们的旧名, 他们为什么知道自己是变性人, 他们的性取向或性行为, 他们的家人对他们性别认同的反应, or any other questions that are irrelevant to your relationship with them unless they invite you to do so or voluntarily share the information.


If you aren’t sure of a person’s pronoun (and there isn’t someone around to let you know), 问, 或者只提到他们的名字——用代词来猜测是最糟糕的选择. 尊重别人的一个方法是先分享你自己的. 我用代词he/him/his. 我想确保我正确地称呼了你. 你用了什么代词?另一种方式是问:“你希望别人怎么称呼你??“一开始这可能很有挑战性, but a person who often experiences being addressed incorrectly may see it as a sign of respect and that you are interested in getting it right.


  1. 使用教学大纲来设定标准,创造一种尊重的氛围. “这堂课将在相互尊重的氛围中进行. I encourage your active participation and welcome both respectful discourse and reasoned debate. 然而, 如果你的语言或行为在任何时候表现出对任何人的种族缺乏尊重, 性别认同或表达, 性, 文化, 信仰或能力, 你将不能再参与了.——改编自《十大博彩推荐排名》 & 员工”
  2. Use the syllabus to share your pronouns and name and to model behavior you’d like to see in your class. “Please share with me if you use a name that is different than what is on the class roster, 和/或你的性别代词. 请称呼我为“博士”. 史密斯.我的代词是“他、他和他的”.”
  3. 包括 校园文明和人类尊严氛围的人际关系声明 在你们的教学大纲上.



如果你想进一步了解这些问题, 这里有一些额外的想法需要考虑.

  1. 你可以参加 安全空间训练 由十大博彩推荐排名州立大学LGBTQ中心提供.
  2. 你可以自学跨性别历史、跨性别法律和跨性别抵抗. 除了许多文章和书籍外,互联网上还有很多很棒的资源. 为跨性别和性别变异群体提供服务的组织包括:
  3. Include trans issues 在你们的教学大纲上 and help your students learn how to talk about issues of gender respectfully and understand their importance. 重要的跨性别斗争, 以及那些双性人和其他性别变异群体, 能在住房中找到吗, 卫生保健, 就业, 刑事司法/治安, 教育, 公共利益和法律保护. 也, 跨性别研究与文化研究相关, 文学, 历史, 社会学, 医学, 法律, 科学与经济, 在任何学科中都有一席之地. Including these issues offers students an introduction to scholarship that is usually left out of academic fields.
  4. 想想性别规范, 或者关于女人和男人应该是什么样子的想法, 可能在你的课堂上或你生活的其他部分被强制执行. 反对性别规则意味着什么, 无论是在课堂上还是在我们生活的其他领域? How might we be enforcing gender norms on our selves or our loved ones with well-meaning advice or guidance?
  5. Exploring these questions can deepen our commitment to gender self-determination for all people and to creating learning environments that invite gender non-conforming students and teachers to fully participate.


反式gender people and gender-variant communities often use these terms to talk about self-identity. 因为个人和社区以不同的方式使用身份术语, 重要的是要进一步理解我们在这里提供的术语.

  • 反式 – short for transgender or transsexual; is also sometimes used as an umbrella term for those who identify anywhere along the gender variant spectrum
  • MTF -男变女的跨性别身份标记
  • 英尺分 -女变男的跨性别身份标记
  • Genderqueer -那些认为自己的性别在二元性别系统之外的人的身份标记
  • 性别混乱 -所有上述非规范性别认同标记的总称
  • 参见完整术语

Using language that reflects respect for students’ self-identity – using their chosen name and pronoun, 不假设学生的性别认同, 正确发音名字, 等. – communicates that you are invested in creating and maintaining a classroom welcoming to all students.

Original text by Dean Spade, Assistant Professor of Law, Seattle 大学 School of Law.

编辑阿维·卡明斯,研究生,威斯康星大学麦迪逊系. 西蒙·费希尔,历史系研究生. of History; LGBT Campus Center, UW-Madison.
