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The North Jersey PFLAG 分会向十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的优秀毕业生颁发两份500美元的奖学金. 北泽西同性恋亲友会的使命是促进同性恋者的健康和幸福, lesbian, 透过支持双性恋及跨性别人士及他们的家庭,以应付不利的社会, Education – to enlighten an ill-informed public, 倡导——结束歧视,确保平等的公民权利. 获奖者必须是LGBTQ部门或信誉良好的学生组织的毕业生. 被选中的个人必须证明在大学和/或周围社区促进了对LGBTQ社区的积极认可.

Gamma Mu Foundation Scholarships

The Gamma Mu Foundation awards $19,为想在高中毕业后继续上大学的男同性恋者提供1万美元的个人奖学金, university, or through a vocational or professional training program. The program supports a wide range of educational options, including vocational and technical training, as well as associate, bachelor and graduate degrees.

LEAGUE Foundation

The LEAGUE Foundation awards scholarships for lesbian, gay, 双性恋和跨性别高中毕业生,平均绩点至少为3分.0 on a 4.0级,并积极和大量参与社区服务. 奖学金包括马修·谢泼德纪念奖学金(经谢泼德家人许可使用的名称), 以1998年因性取向被谋杀的怀俄明州大学生命名, and the Laurel Hester Memorial Scholarship. The application deadline is in mid-April. 欲了解更多信息,请写信给联盟基金会,信由查尔斯·里德,1 AT&T Way, Room 4B214J, Bedminster, NJ 07921 or send email to info@leaguefoundation.org.

Live Out Loud Young Trailblazers Scholarship

“LIVE OUT LOUD青年开拓者奖学金”旨在为有经济需求的LGBTQ+青年提供经济支持. Through this scholarship, LGBTQ+青年可以申请资金,以支付在认可的大学攻读学位的教育相关费用, university, or technical/vocational program. The deadline is in mid-March. For more information, email info@liveoutloud.info. 你也可以了解更多关于青年开拓者奖学金的信息 Live Out Loud website.

NGPA-Education Fund Scholarships for Aviation Students

国家同性恋飞行员协会(NGPA)教育基金为追求成为职业飞行员的同性恋社区成员(包括异性恋盟友)提供奖学金. 申请人必须被认可的拥有航空相关课程的学院或大学录取或目前就读.g., aerospace, aerodynamics, engineering, 机场管理)在追求一个学位,导致职业生涯作为一名专业飞行员,或接受或正在一个高等院校的认可的专业飞行员航空培训课程的学习, aviation technical school, or government approved flight school. Scholarship funds cannot be used to pay for the basic Private Pilot Certificate; they must be applied towards advanced fight training at a government certified flight school or to college tuition if enrolled in an accredited aviation degree program. More than $60,000 has been awarded in scholarships; in 2007, NGPA-EF计划颁发至少三个奖学金,总额为9美元,000.

National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA)

NLGJA为那些致力于公平准确报道女同性恋者的学生提供了一些奖学金和奖励, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.” These include the $3,000 Leroy F. Aarons Scholarship (deadline mid-January) and the $3,000 Kay Longcope Scholarship (deadline mid-January), as well as the Excellence in Journalism Awards.

NWSA Graduate Scholarships in Lesbian Studies

该奖项为从事女同性恋研究的硕士论文或博士论文研究的研究生提供经济资助. 学生不需要参加女性研究项目. 全国妇女研究协会(NWSA)会员优先考虑. The scholarship amount is $500 per year. The deadline is February 15 of each year. For more information, contact:

The Point Foundation

The Point Foundation is a national, publicly-supported scholarship fund that provides financial support, mentoring and hope to meritorious undergraduate, 因性取向或性别认同而被边缘化的研究生. 奖励金额根据需要而有所不同,并且每年更新一次,直到完成学位,只要满足每位学者签署的“卓越合同”中的关键期望, which includes a requirement to maintain a 3.5 GPA. Past award amounts have ranged from $5,000.00 to $28,000.00 per year. The deadline is March 1. Point基金会还为就读于美国大学(华盛顿)的LGBTQ学生赞助Carlos Enrique Cisneros奖学金基金, DC). An online application form is available on The Point Foundation’s website. For more information, contact:

Roy Scrivner Research Grants

美国心理学基金会(APF)赞助罗伊·斯克里夫纳研究基金,用于研究女同性恋者的研究生和博士后研究, gay and bisexual family psychology and family therapy. There are two graduate student grants of up to $1,000 each and one postdoctoral grant of up to $10,000. The deadline is November 1. For more information, contact:

Team DC Student-Athlete Scholarship

(Washington, DC) The Team DC Student-Athlete Scholarship awards a $1,500 scholarship to a self-identified lesbian, gay, 双性恋或跨性别(LGBT)学生运动员,通过参与一项或多项运动的贡献和参与,增强了对LGBT群体的认识. 候选人必须是华盛顿特区市区的高中毕业生,并将在美国就读经认证的两年制或四年制学院或大学. Candidates should demonstrate academic and athletic excellence, 也有可能成为一个积极的LGBT榜样. The application deadline is April 1. 欲了解更多信息,请写信给DC队学生运动员奖学金委员会, PO Box 53051, Washington, DC 20009 or send email to scholarships@teamdc.org.


本指南旨在帮助跨性别学生找到实现梦想所需的资源. It looks at academic and career tools, discusses options for social support and networking, and outlines a few financial aid options. 列出的奖学金特别有用,因为它们对有兴趣在任何领域获得学位的跨性别学生开放, including healthcare.

EduMed Creating LGBTQIA+ Friendly Communities in Healthcare & Education

EduMed知道,高等教育可以成为在医疗和健康领域获得回报的敲门券. 我们也知道,在教育方面,每个学生都需要不同的东西, 无论是一个完全在线的项目,以最大限度地提高灵活性,还是帮助寻找和获得经济援助或奖学金.

Scholarship Guides