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The 美国公民自由联盟 (ACLU) is a nonpartisan non-profit organization whose stated mission is “to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States.“它通过诉讼、游说和社区教育发挥作用.


The 布鲁克林社区骄傲中心 was founded both in celebration of the diverse lives and experiences of the LGBTQ community of Brooklyn and in direct response to profound community need. The 布鲁克林社区骄傲中心’s purpose is to provide support and services to the community, 单独或与现有组织合作, with the intention of filling existing gaps in services and strengthening the web of support, borough-wide. At present, the BCPC offers programs and events for the LGBTQ community including Community Education Panels, Legal Clinics, 财务策划论坛, 同侪支援服务及社交活动. 通过我们的工作, we are expanding the quantity and quality of LGBTQ services in the community and strengthening our community from the inside out.


The Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund works to elect LGBT leaders to public office for one simple reason: They change America’s politics. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender office holders are our clearest and most convincing champions for true equality.  作为政府的领导,他们成为一个社区的代言人和代言人.  他们挑战极端分子的谎言,说出真实的自我, 他们的家庭和社区. Since 1991, the Victory Fund has helped thousands of openly LGBT candidates win election to local, 州和联邦办公室.


GLAAD amplifies the voice of the LGBT community by empowering real people to share their stories, 让媒体对其所呈现的文字和形象负责, 帮助基层组织有效沟通. 通过确保LGBT人群的故事通过媒体被听到, GLAAD促进理解, 增加接受度,促进平等.


全球经验 is the world’s leading provider of high quality customized international internship programs abroad, including exciting internships in eleven cities in ten countries for Spring 2018, 2018年夏季和秋季. 我们广受欢迎的时尚实习在大多数地方都有. There is no other organization in the world that matches interns with the best possible employers as well as 全球经验!


As the largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, 双性恋和跨性别美国人, 人权运动代表了一股超过1000人的力量.5 million members and supporters nationwide — all committed to making HRC’s vision a reality. 成立于1980年, 人权委员会代表美国的LGBT群体, 动员不同社区的基层行动, invests strategically to elect fair-minded individuals to office and educates the public about LGBT issues.


哈德逊骄傲联系中心是一家501(c)(3)非营利组织, 非政府, 成立于1993年的社区组织. 最初被称为泽西城连接, 哈德逊骄傲很乐意提供许多不同的服务, 为新泽西州北部地区多元化的LGBTQ社区提供项目和活动. 我们的项目和服务包括跨性别项目青年团体, legal advocacy, 健康教育, 外展服务, 财政援助和社会服务的联系.


成立于1983年,女同性恋,男同性恋,双性恋 & Transgender Community Center is at the heart of the LGBT community in New York City, providing quality health and wellness programs in a welcoming space that fosters connections and celebrates our cultural contributions. 我们努力为LGBT群体提供全方位的服务, 多方面的编程方法, 从举办艺术和娱乐活动, 倡导团体和家庭聚会提供青少年, 康复和整体健康计划. Each year, 该中心接待了300多名学生,000 visits to our building in the West Village neighborhood of Manhattan from people who engage in our life-changing and life-saving activities.


2011年由一群关心同性恋的男性创立, straight, bisexual, white, 黑人和西班牙裔), LiVelocity只是想给同性恋赋予力量, bisexual, MSM, 西格里的有色人种. 长久以来,我们一直依赖他人来照顾我们的社区. 虽然他们已经尽了最大的努力, we acknowledge that we are better suited to understand the needs of other MSM of color. 通过研究, 财政努力和外联, LiVelocity赋予同性恋力量, 男同性恋者(MSM), 以及同性恋(SGL)的有色人种, 鼓励他们公开地过自己的生活, 提供教育, advocacy, & social support services, and seeks to change the hearts and minds of others to the side of equality. LiVelocity also provides funding support for initiatives that empower LGBTQ persons in urban communities.


航海家美国 was founded by a group of volunteers who had previously led Boy Scout Troop 103 in East Harlem, 为有需要的儿童服务. 103部队是由纽约市的万灵一神教会赞助的, 包括所有费用. The decision by the Boy Scouts of America to enforce policies that many considered exclusionary caused the All Souls congregation to terminate its charter and sever ties with the Boy Scouts of America. Yet the congregation still wanted to maintain the best parts of the scouting experience and retain the close relationships and bonding with the youth participants that had developed over the years. 志愿者们认为在童军社区内提供选择是至关重要的, even if it required the creation of a new organization – thus was planted the seed of the group that has since become 航海家美国. The 航海家美国 is committed to providing a quality scouting experience that is inclusive and available to all children and families regardless of gender, race, religion, 经济地位, 性取向和社会背景. The Navigator Moral Compass says it all and demonstrates the founding group’s dream of creating a scouting organization that meets the needs of youths, parents, 监护人和其他成人照顾者,直到21世纪.


Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) is the country’s largest and oldest organization dedicated to improving the lives of lesbian, gay, 双性恋和变性人(LGBT)老年人. 公司成立于1978年,总部设在纽约, SAGE is a national organization that offers supportive services and consumer resources for LGBT older adults and their caregivers, advocates for public policy changes that address the needs of LGBT older people, 并为老年护理人员和LGBT组织提供培训, 主要是通过LGBT老龄化国家资源中心. 在纽约设有办事处, Washington, 华盛顿和芝加哥, SAGE coordinates a growing network of 23 local SAGE affiliates in 16 states and the District of Columbia.


平等联盟致力于引起人们对同性恋的关注和认识, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender legal issues as well as provide a community and safe space for LGBT students and their allies. 在今天的法律世界里, it is imperative that law students know about the legal issues surrounding the recently repealed Don’t-Ask-Don’t-Tell, 8号提案法庭之争, gay adoption, gay marriage, wills, 《婚姻保护法, 和伙伴医院探视. Our organization sponsors speakers and film showings on major current LGBT legal events. 我们也有一个博客, 平等倡导者, which highlights LGBT news as well as providing commentary on LGBT policies worldwide. In addition, 该联盟为LGBT学生和盟友争取权益, works with the law school administration to promote tolerance and awareness in the school, 组织社交活动, 比如去布什花园的“嚎叫”. Students who want to get involved or just learn more about these issues are always welcome!