screenshot of Google Slides presentation detail showing live caption settings


Using 字幕 Technologies in the Classroom

字幕 technologies can be helpful for everyone to ensure clear communication in the classroom. Caption text is powered by machine learning. It depends on audio input from the speaker, 包括说话人的口音, 声音调制, 和语调. As a result, captions might not be a complete 和 accurate transcription of the speaker’s words.



Panopto 是一体化视频平台吗. It not only provides desktop lecture recording 和 automatic captioning services, It is also seamlessly integrated with Canvas. Panopto允许用户 add ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) 标题 into videos they have Creator access to. Note that machine-generated captions clearly aren’t the same as human transcription, so they need to be revised 和 edited to ensure they are 100% accurate.


You can review our documentation for both the 电脑(Windows) 和 苹果(Apple) 或者参加 车间 了解更多.


Many of the online programs that ITDS works with have Panopto videos embedded throughout the course that exist in an external folder. To edit the captioning of these videos, or any video that you may have already directly embedded into a page, 遵循以下步骤.

  1. 在你的课程中找到视频.
  2. 在那里,点击 , highlighted below, to open 这段视频 within Panopto.
Screenshot highlighting the arrow button required to launch a video within the Panopto Viewer.
  1. 在Panopto查看器中, follow the instructions below on how to create 和 edit captions on a video.
How to Create 和 编辑 Panopto字幕

Automatic captions can be added to a video after it is recorded 和 published.


  1. For a video recorded within your course, head over to the Panopto Video Library 和 select 我的文件夹. (For videos already embedded within a page or hosted by ITDS, please see the instructions above.)
  2. 将鼠标悬停在视频上并单击 设置.
  3. Select 标题.
  4. 确保 自动机器字幕 被选中.
  5. 点击 订单.
    Screenshot pointing out the different steps to enable captions on Panopto
  6. A window will open with information regarding the order details.
  7. 关上窗户.

Once this process has finished, the captions will be accessible.


  1. Hover over the Video in the Panopto Library 和 select 编辑.
  2. 点击 标题 选项卡.

标题 that are auto generated need to be edited 和 reviewed carefully.

To edit a captions text or start time:

Animated gif depicting the process of editing a caption live within Panopto.
  1. 在时间轴上播放视频.
  2. Go to the caption you would like to edit.
  3. 单击 更多的 时间戳左边的图标.
  4. Select 编辑.
  5. 编辑 根据需要添加标题.
  6. 点击 保存.
  7. Repeat the process until all captions are corrected.


  1. 单击 更多的 时间戳左边的图标.
  2. 点击 删除.


  1. 点击 timeline where you would like the caption to begin.
  2. 点击它说的地方 输入标题 (在当前字幕下方).
  3. 键入标题的文本.
  4. 新闻 输入.
  5. 发布 这段视频.

For information on manually uploading a caption file, visit the Panopto支持网站.



谷歌幻灯片允许用户 展示带有字幕的幻灯片. 当你展示幻灯片时, you can turn on automatic captions to display the speaker’s words in real-time.


Google Slides – 现在 with 标题

使用Chrome浏览器时, Google Slides allows presenters to turn on automatic captions to display a speaker’s words in real-time. Using your device’s microphone or an external microphone, you can use automatic closed captions that will populate 和 allow you to adjust the sizing 和 position.


  • To use captions with Google Slides, your computer microphone needs to be on.
  • Google Slides uses the computer’s microphone or an external microphone.


  • 连接互联网.
  • Open your presentation in Google Slides. 如果你没有内容幻灯片, consider using a blank Google Slide to generate your audio input to transcriptions
  • 要开始呈现,请单击 现在
    screenshot of Google Slides detail showing present button
  • At the bottom left of the 现在 screen, click 更多的选择
    标题的偏好 然后 切换字幕
    screenshot of Google Slides presentation detail showing live caption settings
  • To change the location of the captions, click Text position. 建议您选择Top.
  • To change the size of the caption text, click Text Size.

As you speak, captions appear at the bottom or top of the screen.

  • 关闭字幕, click 更多的选择 at the bottom left of the 现在 screen, 标题的偏好 然后 切换字幕.


  • 不存储标题
  • 标题不包括标点符号.
  • 标题 和 your microphone automatically turn off if there’s no activity on your computer for 30 minutes.



变焦 is the official video/web conferencing tool across campus 和 is integrated into all Canvas courses. You can enable live transcription in your 变焦 meetings. This provides participants the option of viewing the machine-generated live captions during the meeting.



步骤1: From within a 变焦 meeting, click the 生活记录 图标 主机的工具栏.
screenshot of zoom control panel detail showing live transcript location

步骤2: 单击 使Auto-Transcription 选项框中的选项.
screenshot of zoom control panel detail showing how to enable live transcript

步骤3: 选择 向上箭头键生活记录 图标并点击 使字幕.

点击 字幕设置… to change the size of the caption text.
screenshot of zoom control panel detail showing live transcript settings

点击 和 drag the caption box to change the location of the displayed text.


水獭.ai allows users to generate rich notes for meetings, 面试, 讲座, 和 other important voice conversations. MSU不支持这一点.