
Maintaining an Equitable Workplace and 学习 Environment

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 has a moral commitment and legal obligation to create and maintain a working and learning environment that is non-discriminatory, and that assures the fair and equitable treatment of all employees and students. The Office of 平等的机会/反歧视行动 and Diversity serves the 大学 in advancing these principles and in helping to build upon the 大学’s success in growing an increasingly diverse campus community from various racial, 少数民族, 社会文化背景.

A. 平等的机会

  1. 员工机会均等
    十大博彩推荐排名州立 is committed to the principle of equal employment opportunity and does not discriminate in its 招聘 and employment practices on the basis of race, color, 宗教, 国籍或血统, 性别, 年龄, 禁用状态, 婚姻状况, 情感或性取向, 性别认同与表达, veterans status or other non-job related criteria. 平等就业机会包括, 但不限于, 招聘, 招聘, 保留, 任期内, 促销活动, 转移, 补偿, fringe benefits and other terms and conditions of employment in accordance with state laws and regulations.
  2. 学生机会均等
    十大博彩推荐排名州立 is committed to the principle of equal access to campus benefits and services (including, 但不限于, 招生, 居住生活, 金融援助, 体育运动, 课程, 奖学金, 学生就业, social and recreational programs) without regard to race, color, 宗教, 国籍或血统, 性别, 年龄, disabilities not interfering with academic performance, 婚姻状况, 情感或性取向 or other non academic-related criteria.

B. 反歧视行动

  1. 员工平权法案
    十大博彩推荐排名州立 is committed to the principle of affirmative action as a means to overcome the residual effects of systemic discrimination, or to correct a manifest imbalance of 女性 and people of color, 从而创造一个更加多样化的劳动力. The 大学 will take affirmative action to encour年龄 minorities, 女性, and persons with disabilities to apply for positions at all job levels. Employment practices will be reviewed periodically to determine whether the protected classes (Blacks, 拉美裔人, 亚洲/太平洋岛民, 印第安人, 亚洲/太平洋岛民, women and persons with disabilities) are being afforded fair and equal consideration for faculty, 行政, 专业和支持职位, 也是为了升职, 任期内 and other terms and conditions of employment.
  2. 学生平权法案
    十大博彩推荐排名州立 is committed to the principle of equal opportunity and affirmative outreach by providing equal access to enrollment for underrepresented minority and economically-deprived students.

C. Tolerance to Create a Climate for Civility and Human Dignity

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 is committed to the principle that it is everyone’s responsibility to foster an atmosphere of respect, 宽容, understanding and good will among all members of our diverse campus community. 作为一个不断发展的多元化社会, it is fundamental to our institutional mission to create an unbiased community and to oppose vigorously any form of racism, 宗教不宽容, 性别歧视, 对老年人的歧视, 恐同症, harassment and discrimination against those with 禁用状态s. 此外, the university eschews hate of any kind and will not tolerate behavior that violates the civil and statutory rights of an individual or group. 在这个框架内, each of us can feel free to express ourselves in ways that promote openness within a pluralistic and multicultural society.

D. 问责制

All 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 employees and students have a responsibility for carrying out the principles of this statement. Each of us should be mindful of the way we treat one another and should demonstrate respect and 宽容 for the differences among us. 此外, all persons in positions of responsibility and authority will be held strictly accountable for promoting the highest degree of fairness and equity in order to assure the full and complete implementation of this statement.

E. 基于性别的行为预防和教育

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 and all colleges and universities are required to educate students, 教职员工 on the prevention of sexual assault, 包括强奸, 家庭暴力, 约会暴力和跟踪. 十大博彩推荐排名州立 has contracted with Vector Solutions to provide an online interactive training program to students, 教职员工. 员工s and students will receive separate training modules directly from Vector Solutions.

The training is self-paced so one can start and leave the course, and when one returns the course will open to the last p年龄 visited.

You should receive an email from Vector Solutions inviting you to complete the online course within the first two weeks of your hire. 如果您没有收到链接,请发送电子邮件 eeo-aacompliance@eagle1027.com.

For any other questions or concerns, please contact:



Paul Apicella,法学博士

Director of Institutional Compliance and Title IX Coordinator
Equal Employment Opportunity and 反歧视行动 Officer
