



报告涉嫌违反 禁止工作场所歧视和骚扰的国家政策工作场所的骚扰或敌对环境;


了解更多有关 内部投诉程序 下面.


十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 is morally and socially committed to providing a working and learning environment that is free of discrimination, 骚扰或欺凌, 对所有种族的人都是包容和欢迎的, 少数民族, 社会文化背景. The 大学 community is enriched both educationally and socially by the diversity of its employees and students, and it is vitally important to our image and overall success as an institution of higher education that we treat each other with dignity, 接纳和相互尊重. 侵犯任何个人或团体的民事和法定权利的行为, 或妨碍任何个人或团体从, 或贡献于, 就业, educational and/or cultural opportunities and offerings provided by the 大学 constitutes a violation of 大学 policy and will not be tolerated.

大学遵守所有联邦和州法律, 禁止就业歧视的行政命令和法规, 教育及合约服务, and seeks to recruit and retain a workforce and student population of high quality that are reflective of our diverse society.

All members of the 十大博彩推荐排名州立 community are responsible and accountable for creating an environment that is civil and for personally exemplifying the principles embodied in this statement in their daily interactions. 而个人之间的分歧必然会出现, such disputes can often be informally resolved by those individuals with the help of other community members working together in a spirit of cooperation, 宽容和相互尊重. This internal process with its goal of informal dispute resolution through honest and open communication is encouraged by the 大学 at all levels of employment.

These procedures have been developed in accordance with State law and are available for employees or applicants where the internal process has failed to achieve a satisfactory resolution or where the employee or applicant is not comfortable participating in the internal dispute resolution process and wishes to pursue their rights under New Jersey law.


All 员工s and applicants for employment have the right and are encouraged to immediately report suspected violations of the State Policy Prohibiting Discrimination in the Workplace, N.J.A.C. 4A:7-3.1.

投诉禁止歧视/骚扰可以报告给保罗阿, Director of Institutional Compliance and Title IX Coordinator and Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Officer, 或者给个人的主管, 院长或副校长. 如果向这些人中的任何一人举报投诉会产生利益冲突, 投诉可直接向主管人力资源的副总裁或总裁提出. 如果向总统报告投诉存在利益冲突, 投诉可直接向公务员制度委员会提出, EEO/AA部门, P.O. 新泽西州特伦顿315号信箱,邮编08625. 这种利益冲突的一个例子是,投诉涉及总统的行动.

Supervisory employees shall immediately report all alleged violations of the State of New Jersey Policy Prohibiting Discrimination in the Workplace to 保罗阿, Director of Institutional Compliance and Title IX Coordinator and Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Officer. Such a report shall include both alleged violations reported to a supervisor and those alleged violations directly observed by the supervisor.

应尽一切努力及时报告投诉. 报告的延迟不仅会妨碍适当的调查, 但也可能不必要地使受害者继续遭受被禁止的行为.

为了方便提示, 彻底公正的调查, 鼓励个人提出投诉, 但不是必需的, 提交歧视投诉处理表格(DPF-481).

大学应保存收到的歧视/骚扰投诉的书面记录. 书面记录应在可行和适当的范围内作为保密记录保存.

大学的平等就业机会/机管局主任须向公务员制度委员会提交所有投诉的副本, EEO/AA部门, 随信附上一份寄给投诉者的确认函副本, 如果适用的话, 向被投诉者发出的投诉通知信. 如果没有提出书面投诉, the EEO/AA Officer must submit to the EEO/AA部门 a brief summary of the allegations that have been made.

在对投诉进行初步审议期间, 平等就业机会/机管局官员或授权指定人员将获取有关投诉的信息, and determine if interim corrective measures are 必要的 to prevent continued violations of the State’s Policy Prohibiting Discrimination in the Workplace.

由平等就业机会/机管局官员酌情决定, 一个提示, 彻底的, 对所谓的骚扰或歧视将进行公正的调查. 的主持nt or Chief 人力资源 Officer may in their discretion authorize another 大学 officer or employee, 或一个独立的个人或实体来调查所述投诉. 

An investigatory report will be prepared by the EEO/AA Officer or authorized designee when the investigation is completed. 报告将包括, 至少, a summary of the complaint; a summary of the parties’ positions; a summary of the facts developed through the investigation; and an analysis of the allegations and the facts. 调查报告将提交给主席Nt或其指定者.

的主持Nt或其指定的w会覆核由平等就业机会/机管局主任或获授权指定人发出的调查报告, 诸如此类的其他信息认定的N 必要的, and make a determination as to whether the allegation of a violation of the State’s Policy Prohibiting Discrim工作场所的歧视已得到证实. 如有违反,由校长或其指定人员负责 确定适当的纠正措施以纠正违规行为.

最后决定书将由主席或其指定人员签发给 提出投诉的人和被投诉的人, setting forth the results of the investigation and the right of appeal to the Civil Service Commission as set forth 下面. 尽可能地, 在最终的决定书中,应保护过程中涉及各方的隐私. EEO/AA部门, 公务员制度委员会须备有最后裁定书的副本.

最后的决定书霍尔概述了各方在此事中的立场和调查过程中发现的事实. 信中还应写明主席T或其指定人的鳍叮和确定指控是否属实, and whether a violation of the State’s Policy Prohibiting Discrimination in the Workplace did or did not occur.


The investigation of a complaint shall be completed and a final letter of determination shall be issued no later than 120 days after the initial filing of the complaint.

时间到了。pletion of the investigation and issuance of 最后的决定书 may be extended by the PresideNt或其指定者 for up to 60 additional days when they deem there is reason to do so. 院长或其指定人员应提供该司 of EEO/AA and all parties with written notice of any extension and shall include in the notice the reason for the extension.

在事业上的投诉人或被告, 高级行政人员或非机密服务, 或者谁是就业申请人, 谁不同意最终裁定可提出歧视上诉.  A complainant may only file an appeal to the Civil Service Commission if the claim is partially substantiated or unsubstantiated.  Respondents may also appeal to the Civil Service Commission when the claim is substantiated but no disciplinary action has been recommended.  在这些情况下, the appellant may submit a written appeal within twenty days of the receipt of 最后的决定书 寄给公务员委员会,邮政信箱312,特伦顿,新泽西08625.  申诉应采用书面形式,并包括投诉人在大学提交的所有材料, 最后的决定书, 申诉的理由和所要求的具体救济. 看到N.J.A.C. 4A:2-1.1、顺序.  A respondent may appeal a substantiated claim where disciplinary action is recommended by following his/her negotiated grievance procedures.

Any employee or applicant for employment can file a complaint directly with external agencies such as the New Jersey Division on Civil Rights and the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that investigate discrimination/harassment charges in addition to utilizing this internal procedure. 向美国新泽西州民权司提交的投诉副本.S. 在平等就业机会委员会或法庭上提出的申请,也必须提交给平等就业机会/AA部门.