SCM professor in class with students

职位说明- AFT行政助理,二级

Position Title
AFT Administrative Assistant, Level II
Range 12-Month
Range 10-Month
EEO Category
Bargaining Unit
Job Summary
在州立大学二级或以上主任的指导下, is responsible for coordinating the support work and performing the routine professional functions necessary to the office or program operations and for serving as principal assistant in administrative matters; does related work as required.
Requirements – Education
Requirements – Experience
在高等教育机构担任教员或教育管理人员两年以上的工作经验, 高等教育或其他相关领域或同等学历,由任命机关确定. 不具备所需教育背景的申请人可以按年代替指定的经验. (30 credit hours are considered one year of college.)


Examples of Work
  • Assists in the preparation and coordination of reports for internal or external distribution; insures that information is collected, integrated, compiled and analyzed in a timely manner; performs research as required.
  • 安排会议,准备议程,确保准备和分发会议记录.
  • 为委员会提供支援服务,包括安排会议室, gathering materials, 分析需要确定的项目并建议适当的行动.
  • 与提供数据处理等支助服务的组织单位协调并保持联络, accounting, purchasing, printing and personnel.
  • Assists in developing organizational arrangements, performance criteria and administrative procedures to help achieve organizational goals; provides recommendations as requested.
  • Investigates administrative and organizational problems for the executive or administrative officer; assists in developing and implementing solutions; provides recommendations as requested.
  • As directed collects data for the annual budget request; monitors office expenditures.
  • Assists in establishing systems and procedures.
  • 按要求代表行政或执行人员.
  • 在完成指定任务的过程中与学院和其他组织的员工合作.
  • 跟进行政主管的决定和/或指令,确保执行和/或完成.
  • Performs studies or investigation; makes recommendations for appropriate action.
  • 加快和协调项目或单位的支持服务,如维护, repair, supplies and mail.
  • 协助协调办公室运作,包括文书工作, forms, space, office equipment and suggests methods of improvement.
  • Interviews visitors to the office, responds to inquiries or requests, 并就需要行政主管亲自注意的事项向行政主管提出建议.
  • Supervises the office library.
  • Prepares correspondence.
  • Supervises and/or maintains essential records and files.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
  • 对现代管理原则和技术及其应用有广泛的了解.
  • 能够在高等教育中获得广泛的理念、目标和组织知识.
  • 能够了解学校的政策和程序.
  • 能够掌握学院组织和运作的知识.
  • 对办公室管理的原则、程序和技巧有一定的了解.
  • 对预算计划和发展的基本原则有基本的了解.
  • 能够解除行政长官的操作和行政细节.
  • Ability to coordinate office operations.
  • 能够协助准备包括收集在内的报告, integrating, compiling, and analyzing data from several sources.
  • Ability to schedule meetings and prepare agendas.
  • 能够为委员会提供支持,包括安排会议室, gathering, 分析所需材料并提出适当的建议.
  • 能够与提供支持服务的组织单位建立并保持联系.
  • 能够与管理人员和员工建立并保持合作关系.
  • 能够协助规划组织安排,制定绩效标准和行政程序.
  • 能够调查行政和组织问题,并协助制定和实施解决方案.
  • 能够收集预算要求的数据并监控办公室支出.
  • 能够协助建立系统和程序.
  • 能够按要求代表执行或行政官员.
  • 执行主管的决定和指示的能力.
  • 能够进行日常研究或调查,并就适当的行动提出建议.
  • 能够加快和协调办公室的支持服务,如维修, repairs, supplies, and mail.
  • Ability to prepare correspondence.
  • 能够监督和/或维护重要的记录和文件.
