


十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 is committed to providing a working and learning environment that is free of discrimination, 骚扰或欺凌, 对所有种族的人都是包容和欢迎的, 少数民族, 社会文化背景.  的 大学 community is enriched both 教育ly and socially by the diversity of its employee and student population, and this diversity enhances our im年龄 and success as we continue to grow in stature as an institution of higher education.  Members of the 大学 community bring with them a diversity of thought and experiences and, 因此, 我们要有尊严地对待彼此,这一点很重要, 接纳和相互尊重. Behavior that violates the civil and statutory rights of any individual or group, or interferes with any individual or group’s ability to benefit from, 或贡献于, 就业, 教育, and/or cultural opportunities and offerings provided by the 大学, constitutes a violation of 大学 policy and will not be tolerated.

的 大学 abides by all federal and state laws that prohibit discrimination in employment, education and contracting services; adheres to equal opportunity and affirmative action executive orders and regulations; and seeks to recruit and retain an employee and student population of high quality that is reflective of our diverse society.

作为一个大学社区, we are all responsible for creating and fostering an environment that is civil and respectful and for personally exemplifying the principles embodied in this statement in our daily interactions.


  • 平等就业机会(工作场所)
  • 平等的教育机会(学习环境)
  • 查册委员会培训
  • 其他争议解决方式
  • 性别平等和第九条
  • 新泽西州政策,第七章和第九章性骚扰政策
  • 州、联邦和大学政策的预防和教育
  • 新泽西安全学校认证


十大博彩推荐排名州立 is committed to the principle of equal employment opportunity and does not discriminate on the basis of race, 信条, color, 性别/性别(包括怀孕), 年龄, 宗教, 国家的起源, 祖先, 婚姻或家庭状况, 民事结合地位, 情感或性取向, 性别认同或表达, 同居伴侣身份, 非典型的细胞或血液特征, 遗传信息, 物理, mental or intellectual disabilities (not related to or interfering with job performance), liability for service in the Armed Forces of the United States or any other non job-related criteria.  平等就业机会包括, 但不限于, 招聘, 招聘, 保留, 任期内, 促销活动, 转移, 补偿, fringe benefits and other terms and conditions of employment in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations.

的 大学 is also committed to employment efforts to correct the underrepresentation of protected classes should it occur, and periodic assessments will be performed to determine the 大学’s success in these efforts.


的 大学 is committed to the principle of providing equal 教育 and enrollment opportunities to a diverse student population without regard to race, 种族, 以及社会经济地位. 此外, the 大学 is committed to providing equal access to education programs and activities (including, 但不限于, 招生, 居住生活, 金融援助, 体育运动, 课程, 奖学金, student employment and social/recreational programs) without regard to race, 信条, color, 性/性别, 年龄, 宗教, 国家的起源, 祖先, 婚姻或家庭状况, 民事结合地位, 物理, mental or intellectual disabilities (not related to or interfering with academic or other related performance areas), 情感或性取向, 性别认同或表达, 非典型的细胞或血液特征, 遗传信息或任何其他与学术无关的标准.

Under the provisions of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (as amended), the 大学 has designated Paul 阿 as its Title IX Coordinator. Yolanda 阿尔瓦雷斯, Associate Dean of 学生, serves as the Deputy Title IX Coordinator. Mr. 阿 is responsible for addressing gender-based misconduct (including sexual harassment and sexual assault) complaints filed against university employees or third-party vendors. Ms. 阿尔瓦雷斯 is responsible for addressing gender-based misconduct complaints filed against students. Mr. 阿的办公室 is located within the Office of 大学法律顾问 in College Hall, 他的电话号码是 973-655-2041. Ms. 阿尔瓦雷斯’s office is located in the Student Center, Room 400, and her telephone number is 973-655-7543.

You may access more information regarding the processes by which to file internal complaints involving gender-based conduct at 基于性别的行为政策 & 程序.



十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 and all colleges and universities are required to educate students, 防止性侵犯的教师和工作人员, 包括强奸, 家庭暴力, 约会暴力, 和被人跟踪. 十大博彩推荐排名州立 has contracted with Vector Solutions to provide an on-line interactive training program to students, 教职员工. 员工s and students will receive separate training modules directly from Vector Solutions.

All new employees are required to complete the online course within 30 days of receipt of the training module. All employees are required to complete annual refresher on-line training.

员工s will receive an email from Vector Solutions with a link to the on-line course within the first two weeks of hire. 如果您没有收到链接,请发送电子邮件 eeo-aacompliance@eagle1027.com.

New Jersey 国家政策 Prohibiting Discrimination in the Workplace

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学被要求遵守 New Jersey 国家政策 Prohibiting Discrimination in the Workplace.  的 国家政策 可在以下网址浏览: 国家政策.  程序 for filing internal complaints alleging discrimination in the workplace can be accessed through the 大学’s website at Discrimination Complaint 程序 for 员工s and Applicants for 就业.

每位员工必须确认收到 国家政策和程序 either through an electronic confirmation or by printing and signing the attached Acknowledgement of Receipt form and forwarding it to Sarah Gaddis, 人力资源助理, 在柯洛夫道150号的眺望办公室, 小瀑布, NJ 07424. 确认表格将在人力资源部存档. 定制的演示/研讨会 国家政策 可以通过联系. 阿的办公室.

If you have any questions regarding the 大学 Statement on Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action, 在线培训, 或禁止工作场所歧视的国家政策, 请联系:



Paul 阿,法学博士

