Photo of 大屠杀、种族灭绝和人权教育项目 students in the University Hall courtyard.

Human Rights University for a Day: A Program for Middle and High School Students

Lesson Plans


欢迎来到密歇根州立大学大屠杀, Genocide, 以及人权教育计划的“人权大学一天”!

Normally we host this program live and in-person at Montclair High School, but this year we are offering it as an online and asynchronous program for everyone!

Educators, parents, and teachers are invited to browse our selection of human rights education lessons and complete whichever ones you like. Adult educators should begin by downloading and reading the lesson plan, 这就解释了每节课是如何进行的, 学生应该按照什么顺序完成活动, 以及带有附加信息和资源的注释参考书目.

These lessons were created by the Spring 2020 MSU Human Rights Education Interns as the culminating project of a semester of research and study into human rights. 每节课都有一份正式的教案给老师, either an audio podcast or a PowerPoint slide show with a recorded lecture for students and a written assignment with a text (newspaper, film clip, 主要历史来源, etc.),供学生在家完成. All of these lessons have been vetted by faculty at MSU and can be easily tailored to meet your needs. 谢谢你的关注, 请让我们知道你是否使用它们以及它们是如何工作的, 如果有任何问题或反馈,请随时十大博彩推荐排名.

Dr. 佐伊霍尔德, 教育基金会教授兼大屠杀主任, Genocide, 和人权教育项目.



What is DACA, why is it under attack, and what can we do to support dreamers?  在这迷人的一课中, 学生将了解DACA计划, 支持和反对的理由, 以及极右翼媒体关于DACA的谬论. This well-designed lesson includes a podcast by political science major and DACA activist Victor Diaz. Join Victor as he interviews DACA participants and works to educate teens about this important human rights issue. 学生们会喜欢这节课的!

全球儿童贩卖和劳动, 作者:Vashti Surujdeen

奴隶制是可恶的,非法的,道德上是错误的,但仍然存在. 在这至关重要的一课中, 学生们将学习贩卖儿童和强迫劳动, 这些实践存在于何处以及为什么存在, and how Americans can make consumer choices and take direct action to end them. This lesson is delivered through an engaging video produced by MSU student activist and future English teacher Vashti Surujdeen. Students will have the opportunity to read and respond to an article about a 12-year old Bangladeshi girl named Bithi who spends her days toiling to sew fashion jeans sold in popular stores in the U.S. This is a great one for students interested in human rights, child labor, and the fashion industry.

残疾学生:社会化 & 学校的友谊,作者:Allison Van Etten

What are disability rights, and how does this movement apply to youth in K-12 schools?  在本课中, 学生们将了解争取残疾人权利的斗争, relevant laws, and how to support students with disabilities in their own classrooms and communities. 密歇根州立大学英语专业的Allison Van Etten说, 谁是法定盲人?, helps students develop empathy and understanding for differently-abled peers, 最重要的是, 提供了一些关于如何帮助的明确建议. A highly recommend lesson plan that includes an excellent podcast and a chance to watch and respond to a short, 一部关于残疾学生伊恩的动画电影.


什么是环境种族主义,它在美国是如何运作的.S., and what can students do to learn more and support communities of color devastated by environmental toxins?  This lesson plan by MSU human rights education intern and environmental activist Alexis Haroun explores recent case studies from Flint Michigan, 墨西哥湾沿岸, 以及达科他输油管道. Includes an interactive powerpoint lesson plan with embedded links to high-quality film clips. A fun and engaging lesson for students interested in the connection between environmental and racial justice.


Although hundreds of children are currently in the foster care system in New Jersey, most of us know very little about it or how and why it limits foster children’s future life chances. Jurisprudence, Law, and Society and Political Science double-major Abby Levine offers a compassionate introduction for middle and high school students to the foster care system and the challenges it presents to young people in our communities. 这张幻灯片要求学生在学习过程中完成活动, 包括阅读和回复短信. Her goal is to explain what scholars call the “foster care to prison pipeline,” or the unacceptably high number of youth who find themselves incarcerated due to lack of quality education, 稳定的家庭生活, 平等的生活机会. Abby helps young people learn about this issue and take action in their schools and communities to end it.

跨性别认同与歧视:如何成为盟友, Jos Hinojosa著

This lesson helps students gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be transgender and how trans people experience specific kinds of gender-based discrimination. 由儿童权益和政策超级明星乔斯·约诺乔萨教授, this lesson includes a professional-quality PowerPoint explaining key terms and complex topics in a straightforward and unbiased way. Jos speaks to students who want to be vocal allies for their trans friends and family. 他们为学生们提供了阅读和思考一首题为, “当我们被世界拒之门外时,我们到底是谁??”


How does political corruption erode basic human rights including freedom of speech, 集会自由, 以及宗教自由? Anthropology major and Montclair High School graduate Gabriel Harris offers students the chance to study political corruption in contemporary Thailand through a fascinating podcast he produced and recorded, 以及相关YouTube视频的链接. 这对学习世界史的学生来说是很好的一课, human rights, 政治自由, 或者当前事件.


什么是罩袍? 为什么有些国家禁止它? 这是促进还是损害了穆斯林妇女的权利? 密歇根州立大学历史专业, 未来的社会研究教师, and student activist Fathia Balgahoom makes these questions come alive and helps students understand the arguments for and against burqa-bans. 她对穆斯林宗教进行了深思熟虑的介绍和概述, 伊斯兰社区的妇女权利, 以及为什么她认为作为一名穆斯林女性,布卡禁令是有问题的. 不要错过这堂精彩的课!