音乐(硕士),音乐教育方向 at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学




The Music Education MA program is for music teachers seeking advanced skills in music and pedagogy. The program also fosters a balance of theory and practice to nurture musical maturity, reflective teaching practice and educational leadership. Graduate students may participate in large and small ensembles for credit or non-credit. Participation is subject to the ensemble director’s approval. A field project is the capstone experience in this program. Each student identifies a problematic issue within their own classroom and designs an action research project addressing the issue. Students working on their field project have ongoing support from a faculty mentor.

The Cali School of Music offers the following options for graduate studies – please feel free to navigate to the programs that interest you!

请参阅我们的 学习计划 p年龄 for a comprehensive list of all of the graduate programs offered within the university.


The 研究生招生办公室 requires the equivalent of a US Bachelor’s degree in order to be eligible to apply for a graduate program. 非大学申请人.S. 学位不需要提交成绩单. Instead, they must submit a course-by-course evaluation along with U.S. degree equivalency information of their coursework from any member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services 或通过 受过教育的选择. Please note: applicants who have an international education may not apply as a last-term senior.

申请人必须持有美国签证.S. teaching certificate or have completed an alternate routed music education program.


In order to make applying for graduate school as seamless as possible for you, we have
创建一个应用程序检查表. This checklist can be a reference point for you during the
application process to ensure that you have a comprehensive understanding of the steps
needed to apply, as well as all corresponding supplemental materials for your specific

  • 申请截止日期:滚动录取.
  • Submit Online Application: Please create your online account and submit your application by following the 一般应用说明 and pay (or waive) the non-refundable $60 application fee. 一旦这一步已经完成, the online portal will allow you to upload your supplemental materials.

The following is a list of the supplemental materials that will accompany your application for the Music (MA) program, 教育浓度:

  • 文字记录:每个大学都有一名学生.
  • Essays/Personal Statement: Write one essay of no more than three double-spaced p年龄s in response to the prompt below. 你的文章可以包括一些描述, but it should also demonstrate that you have critically reflected on the profession and your potential place within it. Please write in a concise, formal, professional style. If you make generalizations or assertions, be sure to provide support for them. In one integrated essay, thoughtfully discuss each of the areas identified below:
    • Why you are interested in the profession in which you want to pursue graduate work and, 如果适用的话, the particular concentration within that profession.
    • Your knowledge of issues and trends in this profession or field.
    • What areas and topics you hope to study in depth and why.
    • Any related professional or personal experiences you have had, including opportunities to collaborate with other professionals, and how these experiences make you particularly well-suited for the profession.
    • Potential challenges and opportunities associated with diversity you think are relevant to the profession you are pursuing. Be sure to explain what you mean by “diversity” (related, 例如, 种族, 性别, 年龄, 性取向, 语言, disability) and how it may pose challenges or present opportunities.
  • 推荐信:两封.
  • 申请人必须持有美国签证.S. teaching certificate or have completed an alternate routed music education program.
  • 非大学申请人.S. 学位,请访问 国际申请人页面 to review the US degree equivalency information.


Applicants to this program are required to schedule & complete an interview as part of the Cali School’s review process. A formal audition is not required for this program.为了完成面试, you must first submit an application to the 研究生招生办公室. Once your application is complete with all required materials, you must reach out to the Program Coordinator to request to schedule an interview. 联系 information for the Program Coordinator & 任何进一步的要求都可以在 卡利学校的试镜信息页面. Please be sure to review the Program Requirements thoroughly (under Step 1)  to best understand & prepare for the application/review process specific to your area of interest. 


这个33小时的课程提供小班授课, 个性化的关注, 在自己的教室里进行实地考察. The program also fosters a balance of theory and practice to nurture musical maturity, reflective teaching practice and educational leadership. Graduate students may participate in large and small ensembles for credit or non-credit. Participation is subject to the ensemble director’s approval. A field project is the capstone experience in this program. Each student identifies a problematic issue within their own classroom and designs an action research project addressing the issue. Students working on their field project have ongoing support from a faculty mentor.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 the 音乐(硕士),音乐教育方向 program listing in the course catalog.


If you have any general questions regarding the application process and requirements, 请发邮件或致电我们:
电子邮件: graduate@eagle1027.com
电话: 973-655-5147

If you have specific inquiries regarding your 感兴趣的项目, please contact the 音乐(硕士),音乐教育方向 项目协调人:

*在夏季, there will be a rotating department chair available to answer your inquiry. Find the updated summer chair for this program.*

项目协调人: Dr. 玛丽莎·西尔弗曼
办公室: 查宾厅
电子邮件: silvermanm@eagle1027.com
电话: 973-655-7779