Photo of student highlighting content in book while sitting at an outside table on campus on a sunny day.


J-1学生需要持有有效护照, 有效的签证, and valid Form DS-2019 to enter the United States (Canadian citizens are not required to have a visa but they must show their DS-2019 and proof of Canadian citizenship at the U.S. 入境口岸).

当J-1学生离开美国时.S., they must present these documents in order to be allowed re-entry into the country. 请注意,, while students must keep their Form DS-2019 and passport valid at all times while they are in the U.S., their visa can expire and that alone is not a violation of their status. However, they will need a 有效的签证 to return to the U.S.


如果你在美国境外旅行, you will need a signature from your international student advisor on page 1 of your Form DS-2019. 此签名必须通过 MyGlobal门户. The travel signature is valid for 12 months while you are pursuing your degree. 请注意, 你可以离开美国.S. 任何时候没有旅行签名都可以. 您只需要签名就可以返回.



  • 持有有效的J-1签证. If you are a student and depart during the fall or spring semester, 你必须注册全日制课程. 由于紧急情况, if you depart in the middle of the fall or spring semester, it is your responsibility to speak with your professors if your travel will cause you to miss class(es). It is up to your professors to decide how any potential absences will be handled.
  • 持有有效的J-1签证返回美国.S. If you changed your status to J-1 while inside the U.S., you will need to apply for a J-1 visa in your home country the first time you depart the U.S.
  • 不在美国.S. 不到五个月. If you are a student planning to take an academic leave of absence for one or more semesters, please contact the 全球参与办公室 for assistance.

如果你计划到美国以外的地方旅行.S., you must request a travel endorsement from an OGE staff on your DS-2019 to re-enter the U.S. The endorsement is valid for 12 months or until the end of your program, 以较早的为准.

你可以通过 MyGlobal门户. Please note it may take up to 7 business days to process your request so plan accordingly.

In addition to the Form DS-2019 with a valid travel endorsement,  you must bring the following with you to re-enter the U.S.:

  1. 有效护照
  2. 有效的J-1签证(加拿大人除外)
  3. A current Form DS-2019 with a valid travel endorsement
  4. Proof of financial support (bank statements, scholarship, etc.)
  5. 入学证明(例如你的成绩单)

J-1 students who are planning to travel within the U.S. 不需要OGE的旅行签注. You should bring your Form DS-2019 and government-issued ID (driver’s license or passport).


In addition to the documents listed above you will need the following:

  • Offer letter/employment letter (this should be on letterhead with your employer’s signature) and other proof of employment (like pay stubs), 如果可用.
  • DS-2019和有效的学术培训日期
在美国境外旅行时.S. 是不可取的
  • If you are in the process of applying for reinstatement to J-1 status
  • 如果你有一个待处理的状态变更申请
  • If you plan to be absent for five months or longer; J-1 students and scholars are not able to maintain J-1 status if they are outside the U.S. 持续五个月或更长时间.
  • If your employer has filed an H-1B petition or petition for Lawful Permanent Residence with USCIS on your behalf. Please consult your company’s immigration attorney about travel in this situation.

Students or dependents who need to renew their J-1 visa must do so in-person to a U.S. 驻外使领馆. Current students are required to submit the following documents, among others that the embassy or consulate may request: 

  • DS-2019表格和旅行签注. The endorsement is valid for one year from the date the Form DS-2019 is signed or until the program end date, 以较早的为准
  • 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的官方成绩单
  • Class schedule (you can get it through NEST) for the current semester or if you are applying over a break (summer or winter), 你下学期的课程表
  • Documentation of financial support for your first year of study and proof of renewable funds for the following years
  • Affidavit of support from each of your financial sponsors. If you are being supported by the government of your home country, you do not need an affidavit. If your support comes entirely from 十大博彩推荐排名州立 (graduate assistantship, stipend, etc.),你不需要宣誓书.
  • Bills from the last year showing that you’ve paid your tuition
  • 在本国永久居住的证明
  • SEVIS fee receipt (if you can’t find your original one, you will need to 重新打印您的SEVIS费用收据 using the button “Check I-901 Status / Print Payment Confirmation”)
  • Passport valid for six months into the future from the date you will return to the U.S. (除非 the country from which your passport was issued is listed, in which case the country extends passport validity for an additional six months after the passport’s expiration date, 所以你可以用你的护照进入美国.S. 只要未过期)

Students on Academic Training should provide these documents for their J-1 visa renewal, 除了美国政府要求的任何其他文件之外.S. 领事馆或大使馆:

  • Form DS-2019 with a valid travel endorsement and listing your current employer’s name and address
  • Official transcript and copy of your diploma from 十大博彩推荐排名州立
  • 财政支持的文件(例如, 从你的父母那里得到的, 如果适用的话.
  • Affidavit of support from each of your financial sponsors. If you are being supported by the government of your home country, you do not need an affidavit.
  • Proof of employment in the form of both an offer letter/employment verification letter (on company letterhead, signed by your supervisor or HR) and the last two pay stubs from your company (if you have a paid position)
  • 在本国永久居住的证明