Maintaining F-1 Status

As an F-1 student, you are fully responsible 遵守美国移民局关于你移民身份的规定.S. law. 全球参与办公室的指定学校官员将帮助您理解这些规则, 但是你必须遵守下面解释的F-1身份的规则和责任.

Always study full-time.

注册并完成全日制学习课程(本科生12学分), 9 credits for graduate students, 每年秋季和春季学期,艺术家文凭课程和表演者证书课程的学生将获得6个学分.



You must always have at least one in-person class (face-to-face or hybrid) in your final semester, even if it’s during the summer term!

*研究生:如果你的学术课程要求你参加暑期课程, 然后你必须遵循你的学术计划,参加暑期班.

Before you drop, withdraw from, or stop attending a class, obtain permission to study less than full-time.

如果你不相信你将能够满足任何原因的全日制要求, contact the Office of Global Engagement before you withdraw from or stop attending class. 有一些有限的例外情况,如果你提前获得许可,你可能有资格. Please submit the Reduced Course Load Form in MyGlobal Portal. 在毕业前的最后一个学期学习的学生可能不需要注册全日制课程,但也必须填写减少课程负担表.

Only work as authorized.

持有F-1签证的个人可以在学校上课期间每周在校工作20小时,在学校正式放假期间可以全职工作, including winter break, spring break, and summer break. 每周20小时的限制是你在校园里工作的所有时间的总和(即使你有多份工作)。, including the work you do for an assistantship or fellowship, if you have one. In order to work in an off-campus job, 你必须获得全球参与办公室的指定学校官员和国土安全部的许可. 除了少数有限的例外情况(例如慈善机构的无酬工作), all off-campus work, both paid and unpaid, requires this authorization.

Make sure your program end date on your Form I-20 is accurate.

你的I-20表上的课程结束日期必须反映(尽你所知)你将完成学业的日期. 如果你认为你不能在I-20上的完成日期前完成你的课程, or if you are unsure (e.g.(如果你的毕业取决于一个边缘GPA),你必须申请项目延期 before the program end date expires and get an updated I-20. 在I-20截止日期过后,就不可能再延长你的F-1项目了. To apply for a program extension, 您将需要在本页的表格和申请部分的项目延期表格. If you expect to complete your program earlier than the program completion date, you must get an updated I-20 before you complete your program.

Obtain a SEVIS transfer to attend another U.S. school.

If you plan to transfer to another U.S. school, college, or university (besides Montclair State), 您必须在您的身份结束之前通知全球参与办公室并在SEVIS中“转出”. Please complete the Transfer-Out Request in MyGlobal Portal.


如果你已经被十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的一个新项目录取(例如), 如果你正在完成学士学位并开始攻读硕士学位,或者刚刚开始同一级别的新课程, like a second master’s degree), you must obtain a new Form I-20 for your new program 在你的F-1身份结束之前完成你当前的学习项目. 欲了解更多信息,请联系全球参与办公室.

Depart the U.S. 在课程完成日期或可选实践培训结束日期后的60天内.

If you have completed your program of study, you must depart the U.S. 在你的课程结束日期的60天内,这应该反映你最后一个学期的学习结束. Likewise, 如果你已经完成了毕业后的可选实践培训或STEM OPT,并且没有进一步学习或改变移民身份的计划, you must depart the U.S. 在您的工作许可文件(EAD)结束日期后的60天内. If you will depart the U.S. before completing your OPT period, 你应该在超过允许的失业时间之前离开,并遵循下面第8条的说明.

If you are an F-1 student and plan to leave the U.S. 提前(在I-20表上的项目结束日期之前或在你完成后OPT工作许可的结束日期之前), you must apply for Authorized Early Withdrawal.

授权提前取款将导致您的记录的非违规终止, and you will have only 15 days to depart the United States. If you plan to take a leave of absence, 全球参与办公室将协助你准备你需要返回美国的文件.S.,这可能包括新的I-20和签证,这取决于你要去多久. Please see the Request to Depart the U.S. Early form in the Forms and Applications section of this page, and contact the Office of Global Engagement for more information.

Keep your passport valid at all times.

You must always have a valid passport.  If your passport is going to expire, 与贵国驻美国大使馆或领事馆联系以更新签证. If you are leaving the U.S. and returning (for instance, during summer vacation), 当你回来的时候,请确保你的护照至少在六个月内有效.


Report any address, name change, 或与就业相关的变更,在变更后10天内提交给全球参与办公室.

Get an updated Form I-20 when any of its information changes.

如果I-20表格上的信息有任何变化,请通知全球参与办公室, such as name, citizenship, degree level, major, funding, or employment information and get an updated Form I-20.

如果你想让你的受抚养人(配偶或孩子)来美国和你一起生活.S., 你需要为每个受抚养人申请F-2 I-20,这样他们才能申请F-2签证.

The F-2 visa and I-20 allow dependent(s) to travel to the U.S. 并在F-1学生完成学业期间与他/她一起居住, post-completion OPT, or STEM OPT. 要申请I-20,请联系全球参与办公室.