OFE Services

Faculty are typically alone as teachers, working with students without other teaching professionals around them. The Office for Faculty Excellence provides different options for teaching conversations. OFE professionals can chat with faculty, provide peer observation and formative feedback — a second set of eyes and empathic listening without judgment. We may not be experts in your discipline, but, as experienced college instructors, we know teaching and learning, and are very likely to be able to provide practical, real-time advice.

Syllabus, Course, and Assignment Review

Whether you are looking to overhaul or simply tweak your course materials, OFE offers a “no-judgment, just help” syllabus, course, and assignment review and redesign service for all faculty–from adjuncts to specialists to tenure-stream and full professors–teaching in any discipline.

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Observation and Feedback Services

OFE offers six different forms of feedback services. All of our feedback is strictly confidential and is not part of any review process; we will not share any aspect or part of the feedback process with anyone but the instructor requesting it.

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1:1 Consultations

Meet individually with a teaching consultant to talk about teaching in a friendly, supportive, and non-judgmental setting. These sessions are typically available on Zoom, but in-person options are available as well.

Schedule a Consultation

Group Consultations

Faculty in a department or teaching a common course often benefit from coming together to discuss and address challenges in teaching in the department. An OFE consultant will ask questions, offer strategies, or facilitate  discussion. Use the button below to sign up or write to faculty@eagle1027.com

Schedule a Consultation

Research and Writing Groups

OFE research and writing groups bring scholars together for motivation, accountability, and community. We offer several different formats, so every researcher can find what fits their needs best.

Find a Group

Last Modified: Tuesday, December 5, 2023 3:22 pm