


  • Andreanoff J. (2016). Coaching and mentoring in higher education: A step-by-step guide to exemplary practice. 麦克米伦国际高等教育.
    描述: “This book will guide you through the crucial stages and possible pitfalls of setting up your own coaching or mentoring programme. 第一部分概述了这些术语的含义, how they can be used and the attributes required to be a good coach or mentor. 的 book goes on to guide you step by step through the processes of planning a programme, 招聘教练或导师, 将他们与学员进行匹配并评估最终结果. 最后几章讨论了更专业的方案, 例如电子指导和利用大学导师为小学生提供指导.
    长度: 176页
  • W. 布拉德•约翰逊. 论做导师:高等教育教师指南
    描述: “On Being a Mentor is the definitive guide for faculty in higher education who wish to mentor both students and junior faculty. 它的特点是策略, 的指导方针, 最佳实践, 并为希望在这一领域出类拔萃的教授提供推荐. 精练的以精练的风格写成的, this no-nonsense guide offers straightforward advice about managing problem 导师hips and measuring 导师hip outcomes. 实际案例研究, 小插曲, and step-by-step 的指导方针 illuminate the process of mentoring throughout.”
    长度: 318页


  • J科尔文,. & 清道夫,M. (2010). Roles, Risks, and Benefits of Peer 指导 Relationships in Higher Education.指导 & 辅导:学习中的伙伴关系, 18(2), 121-134
    描述: “Successful peer mentoring in university settings is the result of relationships among students, 导师, 和讲师. Findings from this study indicate that even in programs where training is ongoing and established, 不能对角色的理解做出假设, 风险, 以及这种关系所带来的好处. 这项研究表明,学生, 教练, and 导师 all have different perspectives about a mentor’s role and how that role should be enacted. 连接杆, 同行的领袖, 学习教练, 学生主, and trusted friend were identified as predominant roles enacted by 导师. Also described are 风险 and benefits for being or having a peer mentor”
    长度: 15页
  • 默茨,N. T. (2004). 导师到底是什么? 教育行政季刊, 40(4), 541–560. doi: 10.1177/0013161×04267110
    描述: “的 article presents a conceptual model of mentoring designed to distinguish mentoring from other kinds of supportive relationships. Built on the existing literature and a modification of Kram’s (1983) distinctions of the functions of mentoring, the model uses the concepts of intent and involvement as variables for distinguishing and categorizing the bewildering array of relationships and roles referred to as mentoring in the literature.”
    长度: 10页
  • 卢娜,G. & 卡伦,D. L., (1995). 赋予教师权力:重新指导和更新指导. 美国高等教育报告第1号. 3. 华盛顿特区.C.: 的 George Washington 大学, Graduate School of Education and Human Development.
    描述: “This report discusses the use of faculty mentoring programs to empower faculty and ultimately benefit the institution and improve the quality of higher education”
    长度: 5页
  • 利奥之道:学术导师的5课 -高等教育内幕
    描述: 阿尔瓦罗·韦尔塔分享了他从一位珍爱的导师那里学到的东西, who knew how to help marginalized people from disadvantaged backgrounds succeed in higher education.
    长度: 2页
  • 创建教师指导的生态系统 -高等教育内幕
    描述: Adam Weinberg gives recommendations for fostering such 导师hip at your institution.
    长度: 2页
  • 学术指导的艺术——高等教育内部
    描述: “Nobel Laureate Robert Lefkowitz shares 10 golden rules gleaned from a half century of mentoring hundreds of research trainees.”
    长度: 4页


  • 站在巨人的肩膀上奥斯汀斯坦福- TED演讲
    描述: “Austin Stanford discusses the importance of intentionally seeking out 导师 while also being aware enough to learn from those who color our stories, 无论是有意还是无意, 每一天. 师徒关系在很大程度上影响了奥斯汀的生活. 所以主要, he considers it wrong to sit on the free treasure of what 导师hip is and hide it from people who need it. 良师益友是他生命中的常客,对他的影响是永恒的. Those who have corrected and directed his choices and experiences have helped shape not only who he is, 甚至连他人生篇章的标题. 最终,他想成为别人眼中的那个人.”
    长度: 16分钟
  • 肖恩·布兰查德的指导科学- TED演讲
    描述: 肖恩将师友关系分为三个不同的类别. He threads two useful analogies throughout his own story of transformation from mentee to mentor. 这是一个结构非常好,关于导师的TED演讲, 清楚地说明了它的跨代影响.”
    长度: 15分钟


  • 高等教育:我们不能都用一点帮助吗? 有效指导的影响
    描述: 当你听到“导师”这个词时,你会想到什么?? Perhaps a bespectacled older teacher or other professional offering sage advice to a younger student? In this episode of KUT’s podcast “Higher Ed,” Southwestern 大学 President Dr. Ed Burger and KUT’s Jennifer Stayton  discuss what makes a good mentor (and it doesn’t necessarily have to do with age or specific experience).”
    长度: 15分钟
  • 如何成为一名伟大的导师
    描述: 在本期的凯洛格洞察播客中, 戴安·布林克的报道, a senior fellow and adjunct professor within the Kellogg School’s Markets & Customers Initiative who served as CMO for IBM’s global 技术 services about her own journey from protégé to mentor. 然后是卡特·卡斯特, 凯洛格商学院创新与创业临床教授, describes how you can solicit advice that can help accelerate your career even in the absence of a mentor.”
    长度: 19分钟
  • 辅导和指导新教师
    描述: “Although new teachers are expected to assume the same job responsibilities as teachers who have taught for 20 years, most face this task with little assistance or guidance during their first year of teaching. Novice teachers must address the challenges of a new school culture, 与新工作经历相关的情绪起伏, 对学校和社会的期望很高, and all the new knowledge that must be acquired about policies and practices of the school district. IDRA博士的. Linda Cantu和Dr. Adela Solís discuss how coaching and mentoring programs can give new teachers the peer support and trusted advice they need to succeed from day one. Linda and Adela also share unique features of IDRA’s coaching and mentoring model, which focuses on improving teacher practices that work in classrooms with diverse student populations, 特别是低收入, 少数族裔和其他有特殊需要的学生.”
    长度: 23分钟 
  • 的 Science of Mentorship: 的 National Academies of Sciences, 工程 和医学
    描述: “指导对任何人在科学领域的发展都是至关重要的, 技术, 工程, 数学, 或医学, but did you know 导师hip is a set of skills that can be learned, 练习, 和优化? 在这个由10部分组成的系列中,来自美国国家科学院, 工程, 和医学, 你会听到学术界领袖的个人导师故事, 业务, 还有媒体, 用他们自己的话来说. Learn how evidence-based 导师hip practices can help you develop the skills to engage in the most effective STEMM mentoring relationships possible.”
    长度: 10集,长度从3分钟到22分钟不等


07年更新.21.22 SR


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