Chairs’ Guide to Supporting Adjuncts

When departments support adjunct faculty 和 help them more quickly become acclimated to our 大学, student success will also grow.

凯瑟琳>》, Associate Director of the Office for Faculty Excellence, 艾莉·埃斯波西托, Assistant Dean of the Feliciano School of Business, 创建了 Adjunct Faculty Guide for Department Chairs (updated for 2024). In their collaboration 和 through a survey of adjunct faculty, they have identified the information that adjunct faculty most frequently request.  

It would be helpful if each department had their own guide. If you don’t have one already, please feel free to use 我们的 as a first draft to create your own (opens as a Google doc).

This resource is part of OFE’s 360 Degree Support for Adjuncts initiative which seeks to connect adjuncts with the information 和 support they need, helping them to feel like the essential members of the 十大博彩推荐排名州立 大学 community that they are.


Chairs should include the following highlighting key pieces of information in their welcome email to in. Here is a template (downloadable version below):


Welcome to Fall 2024! We are excited that you will be teaching for us this semester.

Whether you are new to our department or a veteran, here are some key pieces of 信息 the semester:

          • Important departmental contacts: [Add chair contact information along with that of other department contacts by roles or responsibilities]
          • 校历 亮点:
            Sept 3 (Tuesday): Opening Day (no classes; meetings 和 president’s address)
            Sept 4: First day of classes (15 week term)
            Nov 27 – Dec 1: Thanksgiving break (no classes) — note no class on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving
            December 20: Last day of classes, 15 week term
            Final Grades due: TBD, but final grades are generally due within five (5) business days of the final class meeting.
          • 办公空间 is available for adjuncts in [____________] ; contact [___________]_ for access information.
          • Printing 和 copying: [add your department’s information/policy here]
          • 办公用品: [indicate whether 和 where these are available to adjuncts]
          • 债权人的笔记本电脑:以下资料 教职员工; 信息 学生.
          • Classroom technology support: Problems with classroom technology? Call 973-655-7971, choose option 4, Audio-Visual Classroom Emergencies.
          • Canvas 和 instructional technology support/Canvas support: Reach out to ITDS (或 schedule a consultation.
          • Faculty development resources: The Office for Faculty Excellence provides year-round faculty development support, including 研讨会, 磋商, syllabus 和 assignment feedback.  
          • 访问OFE的 Practical Details for Instructors兼职生活必需品 查看其他关键链接.

Department meetings are held the first Wednesday of every month at  ________________. Adjuncts are welcome but not required to attend. [Add information about meetings, if relevant]

If you have questions, please reach out to me [or appropriate contact person(s) in the department].

你可下载 copy of the template here.


Last Modified: Wednesday, July 10, 2024 4:03 pm