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About Our Services

Table of Contents

Our Mandate

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学致力于根据1973年康复法案第504节的规定,将残疾学生充分纳入所有课程和课外活动中. 残疾资源中心(DRC)将帮助学生获得必要的住宿和服务,以平等获得. The DRC provides assistance to students with physical, sensory, learning, psychological, neurological, and chronic medical disabilities. DRC的使命是团结十大博彩推荐排名州立大学社区,努力为残疾学生提供他们依法享有的卓越和公平的教育.


DRC提供住宿,以帮助学生进行学术和学生生活相关的活动. Mandated by law, 住宿是根据具体情况确定的,需要证明文件并与DRC的一名专业工作人员预约. Below is a sample of potential accommodations available; exact accommodations may differ by student:

Academic Accommodations
  • Additional time on exams
  • Note-taking assistance
  • Digital or Audio Books
  • Captioning/ASL Interpreting
  • Early Registration
Assistive Technology
  • Assistive Listening Devices
  • Digital recorders
  • Screen Readers/ Screen Magnification
  • Dictation Software
  • Text-to-Speech Software
  • Graphic Organizing Software
Housing Accommodations

住房住宿的请求也需要住房住宿申请表位于 Forms section of the DRC website. 下面列出的住宿是DRC处理的潜在住宿的一些例子. 根据支持文件批准请求并分配, as available and appropriate.

  • Single room housing
  • 额外的家具(冰箱,特定的适应性家具)
  • 房间改造/分配(一楼,无障碍浴室,空调)
  • Emotional Support Animal
  • Single room housing
  • Additional furniture (e.g., refrigerator, specific adaptive furniture)
  • Room modifications/assignments (e.g., 1st floor, accessible bathroom, air conditioning)
  • Emotional Support Animal
Dining Accommodations

Requests for dining accommodations also require the Dining Accommodations Request form located in the Forms section of the DRC website. 根据支持文件批准请求,并通过与餐饮服务和住宿生活的合作进行安排, as appropriate.

Parking Accommodations

要求在校园内停车的29学分或以下的学生还必须提供 Parking Policy Exemption Request form located in the Forms section of the DRC website. 被批准在校园内停车但需要就近停车的学生必须提供其医疗或心理健康提供者的证明文件. The criteria for accepted documentation is located in the Documentation Guidelines section of the DRC website. Approved requests will be provided by Parking Services. 请在您的请求获得批准后的2-3个工作日内将更新反映在您的停车选择中.

Pregnancy Accommodations

由于怀孕而要求住宿需要您的医疗提供者提供证明文件. The criteria for accepted documentation is located in the Documentation Guidelines section of the DRC website.

Additional Resources & Support

In addition to accommodations, 刚果民主共和国还提供了各种资源,用于课堂内外的额外支持. Please speak with your DRC Counselor or visit the Student Resources webpage for additional resources.

Academic Coaching

DRC聘请研究生实习生担任学术教练(AC). AC提供个人和小组会议,以帮助学生发展学术, professional, 自我宣传是在大学及以后取得成功的必要条件. 一些感兴趣的话题包括:时间管理/组织能力, note-taking, business/professional communication, and avoiding procrastination. 请与您的DRC顾问联系以获取更多信息或开始与AC合作.

Specialized Academic Advising

与DRC就注册或学术建议进行合作并不能取代您指定的学术/项目顾问的角色. However, the DRC can assist students develop their course schedules, 确定满足DRC批准的课程替代的课程, 或者以一种认识到与刚果民主共和国有关的具体问题的方式组织他们的时间表. 请在开始注册之前与您的DRC顾问交谈以获取更多信息.

Career Development/Planning

与DRC合作提供职业或实习建议并不能取代职业服务顾问的角色. The DRC can assist students prepare for interviews, 在一个对他们的特殊挑战或需求敏感的地方获得实习或工作安排, or discuss employment-related accommodations. Please speak with your DRC Counselor for more information.

Testing Referrals

The DRC provides referrals to the Psychoeducational Services Clinic (PSC) 对于需要更新文件或希望评估可能与学习相关的诊断的学生(例如.e., ADHD, learning disabilities, etc.). 需要刚果民主共和国的单独申请和转介. PSC also issues a separate fee for testing services; however, 与外部评价服务相比,费用有所减少. Please speak with your DRC Counselor for more information.

Rights and Responsibilities



  • To identify and establish essential functions, abilities, skills, and knowledge for employment, courses, programs, services, and activities and to evaluate faculty, staff, and students on this basis.
  • 请求和接收支持合理住宿要求的最新文件, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary services.
  • To deny a request for accommodations, academic adjustments, 和/或辅助服务,如果文件证明他们是没有保证的, 或者如果个人未能提供适当的文件.
  • 在同等有效的合理住宿、调整和/或辅助服务中进行选择.
  • To refuse an unreasonable accommodation, adjustment, 和/或辅助服务,或对大学的计划或活动施加不适当的困难或根本改变的服务.


  • To provide information to faculty, staff, students, 为有残疾的客人提供无障碍服务.
  • To ensure that employment, courses, programs, services, 从整体上看,活动在最完整和最适当的设置中是可用的.
  • To evaluate faculty, staff, students, 申请者的能力,而不是他们的残疾.
  • To provide or arrange reasonable accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary services for faculty, staff, students, and guests with disabilities in employment, courses, programs, services, facilities, and activities.
  • 保持记录和通讯的适当机密性, except where permitted/required by law.