
COLLABORATIONS – Dealing with the Past Together: Exploring Questions of Gender, 艺术 & 《十大博彩推荐排名》——阿诺·库兹著

发布: 客人的文章


On 10月22日,星期二,上午11:30.m.,在斯普拉格图书馆的“安静的房间”,届时将举行圆桌会议 关于性别,艺术和记忆 RiGS |跨学科研究 & 全球研究,十大博彩推荐排名州立大学教师合作项目.

在每个时代, memory reconstructs an image of the past that is in accord with the predominant thoughts of the society,” 莫里斯·哈 在他的开创性著作中被提及 论集体记忆. 作为一个“学者”,” a scholar that also engages in advocacy 和 policy work on practices 和 strategies focusing upon how to best overcome post-authoritarian 和 post-conflict violence, the question of how to create a shared 和 sustainable collective memory — as well as how societies 和 local communities perceive past atrocities 和 human rights violations — remains, 对我来说, 这可是个棘手的问题.

幸运的是, when embarking on a journey to complete a project with the aim of tackling some of these challenging questions, 我能够依靠一些令人难以置信的敏锐和深思熟虑的从业者, scholars 和 activists who had alternative 和 innovative ways of approaching these difficult 和 complex issues.

在我们的旅途中, myriad experiences helped create a rich 和 wholesome collection of narratives to share powerful insights not only with interested scholars, 还有政策制定者, 从业者和人权倡导者都一样. 这些叙述取材于许多生活经历, 包括冲突后地区受害者的证词, interviews with youth activists in post-authoritarian countries 和 diplomatic nation-building in transition areas, 比如伊拉克除其他外.

This adventure resulted in a provocative 和 diverse book, co-edited with Christopher K. 拉蒙特.

转型司法的新批判空间:性别、艺术 & 内存 (印第安纳大学出版社,2019) 为更广泛的学术和公众辩论做好准备, 哪一个, 直到现在, 不幸并没有构成社会的主导思想, 正如哈布瓦克斯所说. 通常, 集体记忆过程被扭曲和政治化, 和 the stories disseminated among communities paint a skewed picture of a conflict or a repressive regime. 帮助闻所未闻, silenced voices to emerge 和 enter centerstage is therefore crucial to help mitigate trauma in affected communities 和 societies.

艺术, 例如, 作为一个话题还没有得到应有的重视吗, particularly as it pertains to acting as a vector of social change when seeking remedies for political violence 和 repression. 尽管, 视觉艺术, performance activism 和 participatory engagements including artistic forms of expression are invaluable means of dealing with trauma 和 post-traumatic stress. Communities ranging from the Balkan region to South Africa have used various art forms to help victim communities raise their voices, 被认可和纪念失去的和所爱的人. Activists in each of the above cases often have relied upon community-built art installations, 比如雕塑, 和 have encouraged victims 和 community members to participate in advocacy-driven theatrical performances, fueling commemorative practices 和 furthering community-ties in formerly war-torn areas, 在独裁政权的余波中.

此外, gender-based violence — particularly violence against males 和 sexual minorities — still represent taboo topics in many societies that are grappling with the consequences of mass atrocities 和 conflict. 创建物理, virtual 和 conceptual spaces for victims 和 minorities who have suffered from such violence is an essential step in the right direction. 年轻人请学者们来读我们的书 描述一下如何帮助个人和贫困社区, passionately promoting a better underst和ing 和 collaborating to build better support structures 和 transnational networks for advocacy efforts to improve the lives of those who suffered in silence 和 who deserve to be heard 和 treated with dignity 和 respect.

贡献者 转型司法的新批判空间:性别、艺术 & 内存 all showed a phenomenal dedication to working toward a better future for victims 和 communities in need. 除了, they have manifested an incredible passion for their work in writing about lesser known issues. Educating the world we live in 和 the people we live with is an excellent example of a true vocation.  This book could not have been done without the perseverance 和 collegiality that were the foundation of this multidisciplinary 和 international collaboration on collective memory processes. I am grateful to have been able to work with such a great team of colleagues to foster new epistemological theorems that provide innovative, forward-looking explanations of how our world works 和 how contemporary societies embrace social change.

I encourage colleagues to reach out 和 embark on a journey similar to the one I took many years ago 和 哪一个 I continue to pursue. As 詹姆斯年轻一位研究记忆的学者指出,集体记忆是 变形, in other words, memorials to commemorate the past also suppress parts of the past.

It is the responsibility of society to weave a narrative that embraces a holistic image 和 underst和ing of the violence 和 suffering endured by its victims.

Working together, we can create a more resilient 和 stronger social tissue in affected societies.

Arnaud Kurze is 司法研究助理教授 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学. His scholarly work on transitional justice in the post-Arab Spring world focuses particularly on youth activism, 艺术与集体记忆. Dr. 库尔兹被任命为 伍德罗·威尔逊中心全球研究员 in Washington, DC, from 2016-2020, studying youth resilience in North Africa 和 the Middle East. 他在学术期刊上发表了大量文章, contributed to edited volumes 和 is author of several reports on foreign affairs for government 和 international organizations. 他是这本书的联合编辑, 转型司法的新批判空间:性别、艺术 & 内存 (2019). 他也接受过关于政治的采访 美国社会和其他社会的集体记忆, 中东的LGBT问题 突尼斯的民主化进程除其他外.