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Advanced Practicum and Externship Training


咨询和心理服务(CAPS)是十大博彩推荐排名州立大学学生发展和校园生活的一个部门. CAPS provides a full range of services and programs, 哪些能促进学生的个人发展和心理健康,以及个人和教育目标的实现. 工作人员坚定地致力于与学生多样性和整体大学环境相关的编程, which is accepting of individual and cultural differences. Among the services offered are short-term individual psychotherapy, 团体治疗, couples counseling, crisis intervention, 咨询, 大家一起说 and referral. 为促进学生及教职员的个人成长及发展,本校亦设有技能培养及心理教育工作坊. As the only mental health agency for a student body of over 23,000, CAPS works with students comprising the full range of functioning, from developmental issues to severe psychopathology. 有时, 学生需要在当地医院的精神科急诊室进行转诊或进一步评估,以满足他们的迫切需要.

We have a staff of four full-time psychologists, three part-time psychologists, four full-time licensed professional social workers, two full-time licensed professional counselors, one part-time psychiatrist, and practicum students who are graduate students from local universities.

Setting and Facilities

CAPS is located on the south end of the campus in Russ Hall. The facilities include a reception area, a group room for seminars, individual counseling offices, video recording equipment and computer resources.

CAPS坚定地致力于与校园生活和学生发展部的其他部门保持密切的工作关系, including the Academic Success Center, Career Development, Global Education, Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF), Residence Life, Student Health Center, Office of Social Justice and Diversity and the Disability Resource Center.

Training Philosophy

Since each trainee brings a variety of skills to CAPS, 我们认为,重要的是,培训要根据每个学员的经验和需求量身定制. Staff members utilize interventions from a variety of theoretical orientations, including psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, multicultural, 女权主义, and humanistic approaches.

CAPS员工致力于在培训体验的多面体内实现卓越的理念, service-oriented agency. While broad exposure to a variety of professional activities is advocated, 真正致力于强化监督,促进学员的个人和专业成长是我们理念的基础. 整体, 我们努力创造一种尊重和信任的氛围,学员和专业人员在个人和专业上支持自己和他人的成长.

The Typical Week

根据具体的项目要求,实习生预计每周在现场工作大约16-20小时. Please note that Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. is mandatory for all trainees. Externs’ time will be devoted to a variety of activities, some recurring, and some occurring only once, as the needs of CAPS and externs’ training dictate.

只有在十大博彩推荐排名州立大学开课的时候,实习生才需要来这里. This placement ends at the end of finals week, 但如果可能的话,鼓励实习生在此之前终止与客户的合作, to leave time for paperwork and final supervisory issues.

Here are some of the typical activities externs will engage in (please note, this list of activities is accurate at the time of this writing, and is subject to change):

Individual Therapy

实习生将处理大约4-8个客户的案件-通常是4个以上的短期(学期或更短)案件, and 1+ long-term cases (year long).

Group Process Observation

有兴趣学习团体治疗的实习生可以选择申请成为CAPS人际过程小组的过程观察员. Process observers are an integral part of the CAPS 团体治疗 program. 作为一个过程观察者提供了一个“现场”的机会来学习团队过程和有效的团队领导, as well as the management and record-keeping needed to run a successful group. 过程观察员每周在CAPS额外工作三至四个小时,以适应每周观察和小组后处理. 在秋季学期开始之前,他们还参加了CAPS小组治疗协调员的五小时过程观察员培训. 参加团体治疗培训需要每周20小时的承诺.


实习生每周至少有一个小时的时间与他们的导师见面. 如果需要,可以根据病人的负荷或困难提供更多的个人监督. 另外, 参加我们小组项目的实习生每周将进行一小时的小组监督.

Clinical Meeting/Training Seminar

实习生每周与全体员工会面一次,在此期间讨论病例和临床问题. 这可以是一个活跃的思想交流,鼓励实习生“跳进去”并参与其中. 另外, 这段时间通常用来举办一个培训研讨会,讨论与您作为临床医生的CAPS经验和发展相关的各种临床和专业主题.

Paperwork and Miscellaneous Prep Time

实习生的日程安排中会包括文书工作、心理治疗和校园拓展的准备工作. It is essential that paperwork is kept up to date at all times.


实习生将在秋季学期开始时接受我们的入学程序培训. 将有正式的培训课程,并鼓励实习生观察工作人员进行的“现场培训”. 当准备就绪时,工作人员会观察到实习生在进行培训,并向他们提供反馈. Upon receiving the necessary training, externs will be scheduled for approximately four (4) intakes a week.

Community Intervention/外展

整个学期,实习生都必须参加校园研讨会或配备CAPS信息表(例如在健康博览会或酒精意识周). 预计实习生每学期将举办两到三次讲习班和/或演讲,并鼓励与其他实习生或工作人员合作开展这些外联工作.

Performance Feedback

培训的一个重要方面是定期向受训者提供有关他或她的表现的反馈. At the end of each semester, a formal feedback process occurs, 在此期间,受训者将从他们在学期中一起工作的人那里得到反馈. This process is also a time for externs to formally give us feedback. At all times this process is seen as a two-way street, where facilitation and growth are the goal, not the assignment of a grade or other measures of ranking. 鼓励学员在最初几周浏览CAPS评估表,以熟悉重点领域.

Practicum / Externship Application

In order to apply, 请电子邮件, fax or mail a cover letter, 目前的简历和推荐信在一月初考虑下一个秋季学期. 博士联系. Melissa Shuman Zarin at 973-655-7329 for additional information.

请注意: 由于道德方面的考虑,目前和以前的CAPS客户没有资格申请CAPS的培训.

  • 电子邮件:
  • 传真: 973-655-4470
  • Counseling and Psychological 服务, Russ Hall,
    1普通大街., Montclair State 大学
    Montclair, NJ 07043


Weekly Work 预期

  • Individual Counseling
    • 摄入, 1-2 hours
    • Individual clients, 4-8 hours
    • Paperwork/Preparation Time, 2-3 hours
  • 监督/Training
    • Individual, one hour
    • Group, one hour (Tuesdays at 1 p.m.)
    • Clinical meeting/training seminar, 1.5 hours (Thursdays 9:30 a.m. 中午)
  • 外展
    • Presentation/Workshops, up to two hours
    • Preparation, up to two hours
  • Group Process Observation (optional), two hours

Total hours for the week: 16-20