

使用我们的 在线调度器 (if you have not used the 在线调度器 before, you will be prompted to register first). To contact us by phone, please call the phone number highlighted in blue on the WC在线登录页面. This number changes according to which staff member is managing the Virtual Front Desk. 你也可以写信给 cwe@eagle1027.com.

  • 每小时半小时安排一次预约. 预约时间为25分钟.
  • Bring a copy of your work to your session (preferably on your laptop) or attach it to your 任命.
  • If you are more than five minutes late for a scheduled 任命 and someone drops in, 我们会给你时间. If this happens, we will gladly schedule another 任命 for you.


1) Log in to your account the same way you scheduled your 任命.


2) Click on your 任命 on the scheduled time and date. (确保这个网站允许弹出窗口!)


3)在预约框的中间你会看到 启动或加入在线咨询 用红字写. 点击那个链接.


4)在线会话屏幕将打开. If you have not already attached your piece of writing to your 任命 box, 你现在可以上传它的副本了 & 粘贴到屏幕的中心.


5) In the lower right corner is the chat box; type your questions and comments there. You will see your chat dialogue with your consultant on the right side directly above the chat box.
          -如果你选择的话 the Zoom option, your consultant will send you the Zoom link in the chat.

每周预约次数: CWE 任命s are limited to two 任命s, per person, per week. 

     ➤  Only one 任命 of two can be extended to 50 minutes.

     ➤  Writers can schedule 任命s up to 4 weeks in advance. Writers may drop in for additional sessions as explained below.

dropin的任命: Drop-in 任命s can be scheduled 15 minutes in advance when there is an available opening. To schedule a drop-in, call the phone number posted on our sign-in 页面: http://montclair.mywconline.com/



取消政策:  All cancellations must be made the night before your 任命; the DEADLINE to cancel is 11:59 pm. After two SAME DAY CANCELLATIONS, your account will be disabled for one month. A third late cancellation or missed 任命 will disable your account for the rest of the semester. 没有例外.

错过预约政策: If you miss two or more 任命s and do not cancel them in advance, your account will be disabled for the rest of the semester. Or, if you miss one 任命 and have a same-day cancellation, your account will also be disabled.  如果您的帐户被禁用, you will only be able to drop in since you will no longer have access to our online schedule. 提前取消约会很容易! You can call the CWE to cancel your 任命 973-655-7442 or log in to our schedule, 点击你的预约, and select “cancel this 任命” at the bottom of your 任命 box. Thank you for working with us to make sure that all the writers at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 who need 任命s can get them.

DISABLED ACCOUNTS: When your account is disabled for late cancellations or missed 任命s:

  • 任何预定的未来约会都将被取消
  • 你仍然可以有会议,但只能在一个临时的基础上.  Call the number on the WC在线登录页面 when the center is open to see if a drop-in time is available.
  • your account is restored at the end of the semester (or after one month for late cancellations).

机密性: 2020年春季学期之前, all work done and discussed in the center was confidential between the writer and CWE staff. 然而, the CWE is now required to report information about student sessions to the Office of Academic Services. 如果作家需要出席证明, they can request a Confirmation Email which is sent from cwestaff@eagle1027.com. We do not share the content of the session but will verify attendance for the writer’s use.



In the event that the 大学 closes due to inclement weather or other emergency, CWE也将关闭, 然而, we will change currently scheduled 任命s to 网上约会s. 看到 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学主页 for all weather-related and emergency closing announcements.

  • 如果你有 面对面 任命 安排在大学放假的那一天, 您的预约将转为在线预约. If you do not want to meet with a consultant online, please log in to the 在线调度器 和安排.
  • 如果你有 网上约会 安排在大学放假的那一天, please log into the 在线调度器 看看预约是否还在. If not, you may be able to find another online time on the same day. We will try to offer limited online sessions when the university is closed.
  • An email notification will be sent announcing any changes to your 任命.

In the event that the 大学 is open, but the CWE must close due to dangerous weather conditions 这阻碍了顾问们往返于校园之间, we will post a notice in our News and Announcements box on our Welcome 页面. 我们也会在我们的 脸谱网 页面.

  • 如果你有 面对面 任命 scheduled on a day that the CWE is closed and you would like to reschedule for another 面对面 任命, 请登录调度并重新安排.
  • 如果你有 面对面 任命 scheduled on a day that the CWE is closed, and you would like to switch it to an 网上约会 for the same day, log into scheduling 和安排 with a consultant who shows online availability.
  • 如果你有 网上约会 scheduled on a day that the CWE is closed, please log into scheduling 看看预约是否还在. If not, you may be able to find another online time on the same day.

We will do our best to offer 网上约会s on days when the CWE has to close.
During emergency closings, the best way to reach us is by email: CWE@eagle1027.com.

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