



一步。 1

The Educational Opportunity Fund is an access program for New Jersey residents only.

在线提交您的申请,并确保对问题选择“是” “你想申请教育机会基金吗?”.

在你提交申请之后, you will see instructions for paying the $65 non-refundable application fee (or submitting a fee waiver request) on your status page. 如果你正在申请一个有试镜费的项目(舞蹈), 音乐, 音乐疗法, 音乐剧, 或剧院), 你也会在你的状态页面上看到你的试镜费用. If you 是 eligible for a fee waiver after answering the fee waiver question on the Certifications 和 Signature page of your application, 你的申请费和试镜费都将被免除.


十大博彩推荐排名州立大学申请表  or     常见的应用程序

一步。 2

Submit an official high school transcript 和 letter of recommendation from your counselor. 请将资料邮寄或传真至本处:



You may also submit an unofficial transcript for an admissions decision 但 your final official transcript will be required for enrollment. 在你的申请门户网站上上传你的非官方成绩单 应用.十大博彩推荐排名.edu/门户网站/admissions

对于大多数专业来说,推荐信不是必需的,但却是必需的 强烈建议.

请注意 that 跳舞, 音乐剧, 戏剧专业 require two recommendation letters. One of your recommendation letters should speak to your c和idacy for your field of study.

一步。 3

完成并上传你的论文/个人陈述. You will be able to upload your essay/personal statement prior to submitting your application. 论文提示因专业而异. 你可以查看你的专业 这里是作文提示.

If you wish to submit a resume or list of extracurricular activities you’ve participated in for review, you can upload this document in your application or on your status page after submitting your application. 请注意,舞蹈需要一份简历, 音乐剧, 戏剧专业, 但是对于所有其他程序都是可选的.

一步。 4

EOF申请人需要进行财务审查. You must obtain 和 submit income verification documents such as tax returns, 社会保障报表, 公共援助声明, 或法院/州的记录,证明你是州监护人或孤儿. You may upload your documents after you submit your application on your admissions 门户网站. 你也可以发邮件给他们 eofdocs@十大博彩推荐排名.edu 或者把你的文件寄给我们. Include your full name on the envelope with your documents 和 send it to the 本科招生办公室. The quickest ways to ensure your documents have been processed 是 to upload them yourself through your admissions 门户网站.


  • 提交2024-2025年FAFSA申请
  • 上传或电子邮件2021年和2022年的税务文件

注:非报税人必须提供一份非报税声明 美国国税局发出的非申报证明信:

一步。 5

官方SAT或ACT成绩是可选的. If you 是 submitting ACT scores, you must also take the optional writing portion of the test. 提交SAT成绩的学生应输入CEEB代码(002520). 提交ACT成绩的学生应输入我们的ACT学校代码(2572).


艺术与设计, 跳舞, 音乐, 剧院, 和 Filmmaking programs in the College of the Arts require you to complete an interview, 试镜或作品集审查,以便考虑入学. 一旦你的入学申请完成, you will receive an email with information about how to schedule an interview, 试听或作品集审查.

Links to College of the Arts admission guidelines 和 audition/interview/portfolio review dates can be found on the 艺术学院网站.

请注意, admission to 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 does not guarantee acceptance into the program of your choice.


十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 considers a number of factors in reviewing admissions applications. 合格的入学候选人有3分.2或更高的高中累积绩点,不加权,4.0规模, 具有挑战性的课程负担(特别是在大三和大四), 还有各种各样的课外活动. 不需要提交SAT或ACT成绩, 但, 如果你选择提交这些分数, 他们将在录取过程中被考虑.

Applicants for admission 是 expected to complete a minimum of 16 units of college preparatory courses as follows:

  • 四单元英语.
  • 数学三个单元(包括代数、几何和代数II).
  • 同一外语的两个单位.
  • 实验室科学的两个单元.
  • 两个社会科学单元.
  • 在所列的任何学科领域中再修三门课程.

Students 是 recognized in the admissions process for pursuing a challenging curriculum beyond the minimum requirements including:

  • 代数以外的数学II.
  • 第三或第四年学习同一门外语.
  • 荣誉课程.
  • 化学以外的实验室科学.
  • 先修课程.

Other factors considered in our holistic review process include: strong letters of recommendation from teachers 和/or counselors; a well-written, thoughtful admissions essay; 和 a commitment to extracurricular engagement, 无论是在学校还是在社区.

看我们的 EOF研讨会 以及我们举办的其他网络研讨会,请订阅我们的 本科招生YouTube频道.


A transfer student is anyone who has been enrolled in a regionally accredited college or university after graduating from high school. 即使你从学校退学,没有拿到学分, 你仍然需要完成转学入学申请.

一步。 1

完成并提交转学生申请. M一定要对这个问题选择“是” “你想申请教育机会基金吗?”.

完成申请后, you will see instructions for paying the $65 non-refundable application fee (or submitting a fee waiver request). 然后你就可以提交你的申请进行审查了.


一步。 2


Transfer students 是 required to submit an official transcript from ALL regionally accredited colleges 和/or universities previously attended. Official transcripts must be sent to us directly from your previous college. 学生提交的成绩单不是正式的. Please contact your previous college to have them send your official transcript. 正式成绩单可以电子方式发送至 transfermsu@十大博彩推荐排名.edu 或邮寄至:


You may also submit an unofficial transcript for an admissions decision 但 your final official transcript will be required for enrollment. 在你的申请门户网站上上传你的非官方成绩单 应用.十大博彩推荐排名.edu/门户网站/admissions


所有转学生必须提交正式的高中成绩单. This requirement is waived for applicants who have completed or will have completed an associate’s degree, or students who have completed 60 or more college-level credits at a four-year institution.

一步。 4

对于大多数转学申请者来说,论文是可选的, 然而, 某些专业要求学生提交特定的论文。. 你可以查看需要论文的专业和他们的 文章提示在这里.

If you wish to submit a resume or list of extracurricular activities you’ve participated in for review, you can upload this document in your application or on your status page after submitting your application. 请注意,舞蹈需要一份简历, 音乐剧, 戏剧专业, 但是对于所有其他程序都是可选的.

一步。 5

对于那些 在他们目前的机构注册了EOF项目;

  • Request that the EOF Office at your current school submits an EOF Transfer of Aid Form. This form is required to complete your admissions application to receive an admission decision. The EOF Transfer of Aid Form is documentation that you 是 enrolled 和 in good st和ing in the EOF program at your current school. 这可以通过电子方式提交给 msuadm@十大博彩推荐排名.edu 或邮寄至:

对于那些 在他们目前的机构注册了EOF项目;

  • EOF申请人需要进行财务审查. 递交申请后, you must complete the EOF Questionnaire which will appear in your application checklist online. 另外, you must obtain 和 submit income verification documents such as tax returns, 社会保障报表, 公共援助声明, 或法院/州的记录,证明你是州监护人或孤儿. You may upload your documents as part of your application (the upload 是a is located on the bottom of the Educational Opportunity Fund tab of your application) or after your submit your application on your status page. 你也可以发邮件给他们 eofdocs@十大博彩推荐排名.edu 或者把你的文件寄给我们. Include your full name on envelope with your documents 和 send to the 本科招生办公室. The quickest ways to ensure your documents have been processed 是 to upload them yourself through your application or status page.


  • 提交2024-2025年FAFSA申请
  • 上传或电子邮件2021年和2022年的税务文件



我们单独审查每个申请. 然而, 在考虑转学录取申请人时, 有实力的申请者通常符合以下条件:

  • 一个持续的,严格的学术课程,总体平均成绩为B.
  • A demonstrated interest in intended major by displaying academic success in the courses taken.

If you have attended more than one regionally accredited college or university, 所有学校的平均成绩将被考虑.


除了我们的一般转学入学标准, 某些专业有自己特定的录取标准. 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的 入学要求页面.

看我们的 EOF研讨会 以及我们举办的其他网络研讨会,请订阅我们的 本科招生YouTube频道.