

In our vibrant and exciting residence halls that range from the traditional doubles to apartment-style living for upperclassmen, 你可以体验教育, 文化, recreational and social programs to help you grow as a person and make your mark on Red Hawk Country.


There’s plenty of variety in Montclair’s ten residence areas – from traditional two-student bedrooms to apartment-style suites. All of our residence halls include lounge and recreation spaces and many include conveniently located dining options.



十大博彩推荐排名州立大学最新的住宅区, 的高度, includes eight suite-style residence halls centered around Sam’s Place, 我们最大的自助式餐厅.

Each of the four residence halls in 的高度 includes its own multi-purpose room, 几个休闲空间, 指定安静的学习空间和社区厨房.

的高度 is also popular for being located right next to the Student Recreation Center, a 77,2000平方英尺的设施,致力于促进健康, 健康, 健身及社区服务. 学生娱乐中心有一个有两个场地的体育馆, 两个壁球场, 25码/六车道室内恒温游泳池, 室内高架跑道, 更衣室里有淋浴和超过11个,000 square feet of space dedicated to assorted exercise equipment.



霍克十字路口提供了一个小, quiet community for up to 350 students located just across the street from campus on Clove Road. Frequent shuttle service is provided for easy access to the main campus facilities, but 鹰口岸’ immediate access to the on-campus 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 train station is ideal for juniors and seniors commuting to internships in New York City.

每间公寓都有一间客厅, 组合厨房/餐厅, 四名学生的全套浴室和两间卧室. The 鹰口岸 complex also contains its own dedicated laundry facilities and parking area.



位于校园南侧, 弗里曼大厅 is a suite-style hall that contains its own buffet-style dining facility. 弗里曼大厅 is the proud home of the College of the Arts Living Learning Community – a program that helps students on similar academic tracks meet and make friends with other students who share their interests.

弗里曼大厅位于约翰·J·霍普金斯大学的正对面. Cali School of Music building and only a short distance from the Alexander Kasser Theater. That and its ready access to the Montclair Heights train station and DeCamp bus routes make it an especially popular choice for performing arts majors.

aerial photo of freeman hall, russ hall, and cali school of music


生活社区 are optional programs that allow students to be placed as neighbors and roommates with other students like them or who share similar interests.

There are five college or school Living Learning Communities that help students meet other students studying the same topics, 但是除此之外, 大学还提供:

  • 全球生活 – A community for both international and American students who want to learn about the customs and traditions of other cultures.
  • 女性的特殊兴趣生活 – An intentional all-women’s community open to first-year and returning students that focuses on the positive roles of women in the greater society.
  • 石墙套件 – A safe and welcoming community where residents are placed without consideration of gender identity, 性别表达或性取向. This community seeks to connect students interested in supporting and educating themselves and their community about the lesbian, 同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人, 酷儿, 质疑和联合社区.
  • 新兴领导人的生活 – A community for first-year students who have a background or interest in leadership, 要么在他们的高中,要么在社区. The community will hold several events throughout the year to teach its members how to be effective leaders in college and beyond.
  • 荣誉生活 – Students who are active members of the 大学’s Honors Program are eligible to join in this community that focuses around academic achievement and intellectual growth.
  • 家庭与儿童研究生活学习 – Students enrolled in one of the Family and Child Studies majors can apply to live in this community which focuses on applying the Family and Child Studies curriculum to community service and campus community participation.
  • 大二成功 – The 大二成功 Living Community is open to students with 24 or more credits and is intended to facilitate the transition toward autonomy and self-significance. Residents also have the opportunity to serve as mentors to first year residents.


Living on campus means being at the center of the campus community, 一个你可以探索做你自己意味着什么的地方. 交朋友, 加入俱乐部, 参加研讨会, cheer on the football team – it’s all there just a few steps outside your front door.

  • 学生会协会 SGA管理着100多个校内组织, 包括学术兴趣小组, 公共服务团体,甚至是共同兴趣俱乐部.
  • 希腊的生活 – A fraternity or sorority can help personalize your college experience and serve as an avenue of endless opportunities. A Greek organization offers a scholastic support system which includes hands-on experience in leading committees, 管理预算, 与教师和管理人员互动.
  • 校园娱乐 -除了监督学生娱乐中心, the Department of 校园娱乐 organizes dozens of events every year, 定期举办健身课程, outdoor recreation equipment rentals and even off-campus adventures.
  • 学生参与中心 – The CSI is an administrative department that holds on-campus events and activities open to all students regardless of club membership or affiliation. One of its primary goals is to help bridge the social divide between resident and commuter students.
  • 十大博彩推荐排名的学生生活 – 大满贯 is the student programming board within the 学生会协会 that organizes events and activities sponsored by the SGA directly or that need collaboration between multiple clubs.

大满贯, 校园娱乐, 各种俱乐部和组织活动都计划好了, 由学生组织经营. Join them and be an integral part of a vibrant and active campus community!